Hello Sandra!

It's a venture project and we get revenue from adverticement. The photos you upload to our services are safe from theft, that's true. But you shouldn't share them with "Share it!" button or other ways if you want them to stay private.

Hello Ashley! You can't makeup your photo? What is a problem, can you explain more detailed?

Thank you for notification, phchiu!

Now avatar.pho.to is fixed and works very well!

Hello irinalupu!

Can you send us those "some photos" at customercare@vicman.net? It would be a great help for us.

Thank you for appreciation, MrShades!

We are going to develop a web version of 3D Album, handle_url_tag('http://pho.to/widget3d/') and there we'll make adapt feature by default.

Margaret, shared photo disappears automatically in an hour. If you shared the photo into your account then you can delete it form your account (go to "My images" tab and click on a red cross into upper right corner of the image).

2 Rajesh pathak: Click the "Share" button under your created photo and this will help you to share the photo on your Facebook wall. If you want to set a created photo as your profile picture first save the picture on disk, then upload it as youp profile picture through Facebook interface.

2 bg62: this is bug. We'll fix it as soon as possible. Il s'agit du bug. Nous allons y remédier dès que possible.

We have released our own Twiligth template:
handle_url_tag('http://funny.pho.to/twilight/') - here is the link on a place where you can make your own Twiligth!

Jim Carrey in a Twilight template:

handle_img_tag('http://my.pho.to/natali/s1/images/vqdem4x/image.jpg', false)


You are right, there were some problems with our server. Luckily, now it is fixed.  big_smile


(10 replies, posted in Free Online Pho.to services)

Yes, we are planning to make private albums in near future


".str_replace(array('[', '\"'), array('[', '"'), 'maha qqq')." ".$lang_common['wrote'].":

"i have two questions;

the first one is related to the same subject, i.e. deleting a photo album which i can't do, simply because there are no X showing on the upper right of the album. in the result, i have no access to my album that i NEED to delete. It is really urgent..please help

the second question is, how can i delete my account once and for all, for i really didn't like the public sharing thing in the website and i was stupid enough to Agree on the conditions without reading the terms of use sad(((


maha qqq, make sure that you are signed in into your account! Only in this case you can delete your albums.

Really bright idea! Your cartoonized face as a graffiti on a wall:

handle_img_tag('http://my.pho.to/goodphotos/s1/images/8mwagre/image.jpg', false)

Get a picture like this in a couple of clicks with a new template at Funny Photo: handle_url_tag('http://funny.pho.to/street_graffiti/')


(1 replies, posted in Creating and sharing photo albums)

Hi jerstr! Please explain your problem in more detail: what service or program do you use to create a 3D album; what URL do you click, etc.

If possible, attach a screenshot


".str_replace(array('[', '\"'), array('[', '"'), 'federica')." ".$lang_common['wrote'].":

"ho appena scaricato il programma perche mi serve per un lavoro all'universita e se non sono di troppo disturbo vorrei qualche dritta sull'utilizzo del programma perchè essendo in inglese non so come muovermi e poi vorrei sapere se posso salvarlo ed inserirlo in una presentazione fatta ad esempio con movie maker...vi rinfrazio anticipatamente baci...

2 federica -
Unfortunately, the help file that comes with the program is only available in English. What we can suggest is, probably, take the text of the help file and translate it with an online translator (like Google Translate) or ask somebody to translate it for you into Italian.

2 meg -

As I understood you, you created a screensaver with Photo! 3D Album software, but photos disappeared when you tried to send it. Please give more detail, e.g. in what format you saved the screensaver.

And if it is possible write your questions in English, please )

Hi linuxrulz36!

Please give more info - are you using an online service, or an offline program. If you are working online, what service are you using, and where exactly do you want to save the file - to your hard drive, to your account, ...?


(1 replies, posted in Free Online Pho.to services)


Yes, we do plan to add batch processing to online Enhance Photo!


(1 replies, posted in Free Online Pho.to services)

Hi severnsidemembers!

The limit is about 50 MB. If you store your photos not in full size, but in albums (as you actually do) - this limit is enough for most users.

BTW, your underwater photos are great! )


(2 replies, posted in Free Online Pho.to services)


".str_replace(array('[', '\"'), array('[', '"'), 'paulcoxracephotos')." ".$lang_common['wrote'].":

"changed my password but still get bad sign error?

Hello paulcoxracephotos, can you please explain your problem in more detail?


".str_replace(array('[', '\"'), array('[', '"'), 'erika')." ".$lang_common['wrote'].":

"Hola! tengo el problema que cuando bajo la foto y la quiero maquillar me dice que no se encuentra el rostro y que intente con una foto de mejor calidad, ya lo intente con varias fotos y siempre me aparece el mismo mensaje... como soluciono ese problema? porque no puedo maquillar las fotos...  sad

gracias  tongue

Hola Erica! As I understood Makeup.Pho.to service keeps telling you that your photos are not good quality enough to process them. Maybe the photo itself is big, but the faces in it are too small? Anyway, can you attach the photos for us to see what the problem is?


".str_replace(array('[', '\"'), array('[', '"'), 'dandouna')." ".$lang_common['wrote'].":


".str_replace(array('[', '\"'), array('[', '"'), 'dandouna')." ".$lang_common['wrote'].":

"How can i put kisses and smiley faces in the pic? yikes

Hi Dandouna! There is no possibility to put smileys into photos, but you can create animated smiley faces from your face photos at cartoon.pho.to.
Like these - handle_url_tag('http://pho.to/forum/viewtopic.php?id=346')  and you can make them animated!

if setting the compatibility mode doesn't help, then Photo! 3D Album software needs total revriting for Win7 and we don't have resources now.

You can run the Photo! 3D Album .exe file in Windows XP compatibility mode. For this purpose make a right click on installed .exe file of Photo! 3D Album. Then choose "Properties" -> "Compatibility" and set Win XP. May be this will help.


(6 replies, posted in Retouching portrait photos)

Hi sencharp!

Our users can make a portrait painting from photo using this effect - handle_url_tag('http://funny.pho.to/antique_oil_painting/')

See example -
handle_img_tag('http://my.pho.to/natali/s1/images/qhns1gc/image.jpg', false)