Topic: Problem getting the photos in the album to show up

I can't get any pictures to show up on my album that i have uploaded. Is there some special way to upload it to get the photos to show up. Im using to host my site. I will put a link up later(retrying it now).

Last edited by vxdreadxv (2009-02-17 16:48:15)

Re: Problem getting the photos in the album to show up


".str_replace(array('[', '\"'), array('[', '"'), 'vxdreadxv')." ".$lang_common['wrote'].":

"I can't get any pictures to show up on my album that i have uploaded. Is there some special way to upload it to get the photos to show up. Im using to host my site. I will put a link up later(retrying it now).

Ok, yes, give the link on your album please. And check its size - it must be less then 100Mb (less then 50 Mb is prefferable)

The quest for the perfect product never ends!


Re: Problem getting the photos in the album to show up


".str_replace(array('[', '\"'), array('[', '"'), 'Pho.to_admin')." ".$lang_common['wrote'].":


".str_replace(array('[', '\"'), array('[', '"'), 'vxdreadxv')." ".$lang_common['wrote'].":

"I can't get any pictures to show up on my album that i have uploaded. Is there some special way to upload it to get the photos to show up. Im using to host my site. I will put a link up later(retrying it now).

Ok, yes, give the link on your album please. And check its size - it must be less then 100Mb (less then 50 Mb is prefferable)

I have a problem only with firefox Browser. When I load the web page with shockwave file i retreive this popup:

"Error downloading gallery data"

With IE and Chrome this problems does not occur. Could you give me an explanation please?



Re: Problem getting the photos in the album to show up

Error downloading gallery data!

I get this error no matter what browser I use. Help?


Re: Problem getting the photos in the album to show up

Hello. I do think that Pho.To is a fantastic program. but I cannot get my photos to appear on the wonderfull screen, the screen keeps mooving around but without my photos. Please tell me what I am doing wrong, and what I should do to get my photos in those beautifull frames. Thanks in advance for any help you can give. Many Thanks.


Re: Problem getting the photos in the album to show up

Same Prob.Iexplorer works.Firefox not

Re: Problem getting the photos in the album to show up

I've the same problem, it don't work on others host, only in webite  neutral

Re: Problem getting the photos in the album to show up

I cannot get my photos to appear on web,some times
  the screen keeps mooving around but without my photos. Please tell me what I am doing wrong, and what I should do to get my photos in those beautifull 3D galery.
and some times
When I load the web page with shockwave file i retreive this popup:

"can not load modolate "

I use IE . Could you give me an explanation please?
my sit is handle_url_tag('', '')
Thanks in advance for any help you can give. Many Thanks.

Re: Problem getting the photos in the album to show up

I cannot get my photos to appear on web,some times
  the screen keeps mooving around but without my photos. Please tell me what I am doing wrong, and what I should do to get my photos in those beautifull 3D galery.
and some times
When I load the web page with shockwave file i retreive this popup:

"can not load modoldata "

I use IE . Could you give me an explanation please?
my sit is handle_url_tag('', '')
Thanks in advance for any help you can give. Many Thanks.