Topic: New 'photo filter' effects at Funny Photo!

We added a new group of effects (Photo Filters) to Funny Photo!
Now you can transform your ordinary pictures into something more creative and intriguing!

Let us take a photo of Dr House:

handle_img_tag('', false)

And here are some effects applied to it:

handle_img_tag('', false)

Find more cool effects at handle_url_tag('')/ (Photo Filters group)

The quest for the perfect product never ends!

Re: New 'photo filter' effects at Funny Photo!

Tip of the day:

Photo Filters at can also be applied to non-facial photos (landscapes, etc.).
Experiement and enjoy!

Cartoon filter:
handle_img_tag('', false)

Coal filter:
handle_img_tag('', false)

The quest for the perfect product never ends!

Re: New 'photo filter' effects at Funny Photo!

These are excellent!  I love the penciled look.

Re: New 'photo filter' effects at Funny Photo!


".str_replace(array('[', '\"'), array('[', '"'), 'JinxyTog')." ".$lang_common['wrote'].":

"These are excellent!  I love the penciled look.

Thank you! Soon we'll release more paining and pencil effects!  smile

The quest for the perfect product never ends!

Re: New 'photo filter' effects at Funny Photo!

Excellent Photos effects here.....I want to make funny photo like that.......Thanks for this post..:D

Re: New 'photo filter' effects at Funny Photo!

Excellent Photos effects.
preety cool~