Topic: web

I have uploaded 3D Album to web but all I get is an error notice "Unsupported size via embed code"
What's going wrong?

Re: web


".str_replace(array('[', '\"'), array('[', '"'), 'compmanhay')." ".$lang_common['wrote'].":

"I have uploaded 3D Album to web but all I get is an error notice "Unsupported size via embed code"
What's going wrong?

Hello compmanhay!

You need to set heigth and width parameters in pixels, not in percents.

Here is your pages's source code:
AC_SW_RunContent( 'codebase',',0,0,0','id','Photo3DGallery','width','100%','height','100%','src','shockplayer','bgcolor','#FFFFFF','sw1','false','swremote','swSaveEnabled=\'true\' swVolume=\'true\' swRestart=\'true\' swPausePlay=\'true\' swFastForward=\'true\' swContextMenu=\'true\' ','swstretchstyle','fill','pluginspage','','sw3','640','sw4','480' ); //end AC code

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