(17 replies, posted in Share your digital world!)


".str_replace(array('[', '\"'), array('[', '"'), 'Spiritwolf')." ".$lang_common['wrote'].":

"Second time around, the photo saved perfectly without doing the 1 x 1 bug thing.  But I don't see any way to upload the photo to post it!

Ok, here is a picture tutorial on how to post photo on this forum.

[*]1. Upload you photo on any photo hosting, for example on very handle_url_tag('http://tweet.pho.to') handy service.[/*]
', '*')

[*]2. Copy the image link by right - clicking on full size image. In case you use tweet.pho.to service there is a special "<>" button there on the lower right corner.

handle_img_tag('http://img-fotki.yandex.ru/get/4609/43869535.0/0_aefda_e92e471f_XXL.jpg', false)

Click it and copy the 3rd link called "Direct link to image".

handle_img_tag('http://img-fotki.yandex.ru/get/5212/43869535.0/0_aefdb_5fe77c30_XXL.jpg', false)

', '*')

[*]3. Place an image link between "img" tags after clicking image posting button here - handle_img_tag('http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3093/3130182977_26a9d8a4e3.jpg?v=0', false).

', '*')


(1 replies, posted in Photo! Web Album)


".str_replace(array('[', '\"'), array('[', '"'), 'Bobb11')." ".$lang_common['wrote'].":

"Is there a way for "friends" to "save" a copy of a picture I have put in an album? If they try to "right click" and select "save as" it only saves the picture in a "thumbnail" size. Is there a way for them to save them in "original" size?

I like the ease of use of Web Album, but this is a "big" problem if my friends/family can only get "thumbnails"

Thanks for a reply.

Yes, there is the way! big_smile

You need to check the option "Include full size original images". Below is the picture

handle_img_tag('http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3284/3130700906_8286f8e535.jpg?v=0', false)

Then in open full size image it is possible to donload it by right-click


".str_replace(array('[', '\"'), array('[', '"'), 'lastingmemories')." ".$lang_common['wrote'].":

"I was wondering whether someone could explain how to upload the album that is exported to a folder on your computer. I would like to upload the album on my blog, but have no idea how to do it.

Thanks a lot.


All you need is to check the option "Export to Folder" while uploading the album.


(4 replies, posted in Photo! Editor)


".str_replace(array('[', '\"'), array('[', '"'), 'Thomas Washburn')." ".$lang_common['wrote'].":

"I find that almost all redeye programs only detect the color red. This is not the case for color blinded dogs and cats. sad:(They have bluish or yellow reflections. Is there an easy and quick means of removing this so called "redeye" reflection for animal photos?

Any assistance is highly appreciated.

I have just joined the forum and already have found several very useful programs and comments.

Keep up the good work!!!;):P:P:)

Welcome to our forum, Thomas!

Sorry, but non of our products remove such defect. I know that Photoshop can (by manual correction). Also there is rather good software paint.net but also with ability to correct 'red eyes' manually.


(25 replies, posted in Photo! 3D Album & Screensaver)


".str_replace(array('[', '\"'), array('[', '"'), 'youss7')." ".$lang_common['wrote'].":


".str_replace(array('[', '\"'), array('[', '"'), 'Pho.to_admin')." ".$lang_common['wrote'].":


".str_replace(array('[', '\"'), array('[', '"'), 'youss7')." ".$lang_common['wrote'].":

At first, I would like to thank you for this nice job, a big job, a fantastic job...
My question is, could I create new templates by myself? If not, do you planned to let simples users like me, the possibility to create some of them, with the same easy way, we can create a 3D album?
Sorry for my poor English, but my French is not to bad big_smile


Yes! ))) You can create a 3D template by yourself in any popular 3D editor, like 3D Max for example. Simply create a 3D scene and send us for continuing it. We are waiting for your beautiful template at pr {@} vicman.net

Can I use " Google SketchUp", thanks in advance for your response!

Hi, yes, you can use Google SketchUp, but you need to have extended (paid, Pro) version to save in various 3D formats. Please, save in VRML or 3DS.

UPDATE: We no longer accept 3D models made by users, as we have not resources to develop "Photo! 3D Album" and "Photo! 3D Screensaver" software. Please, don't send us 3D models.


(2 replies, posted in Free Online Pho.to services)


".str_replace(array('[', '\"'), array('[', '"'), 'jack43')." ".$lang_common['wrote'].":

"hello !
I will like to use photo! 3D with manuscript in template to make my wishes, but the chronology of my images is not respected. I very tested in vain.

How to parameterize to obtain the desired continuation of my images.

Thank you.

Hello Jack!

Unfortunately, now it can't be parameterized, but we will take your wish into account in future development of Photo! 3D Widget.

To express your wishes and suggestions, please post the topi? in our forum (handle_url_tag('http://pho.to/forum/')). It will surely fasten the development.


(17 replies, posted in Share your digital world!)


How about playing photo associations in this topic?;) The rules are simple: someone post the photo and write what he want to see in the next post. And so on...:P

I'll start:

handle_img_tag('http://i.i.ua/cards/pic/8/8/6388.jpg', false)

I want to see the picture of the sky )


".str_replace(array('[', '\"'), array('[', '"'), 'James Bond')." ".$lang_common['wrote'].":

"Hi! I've got an idea about new template! Meet my Christmas Ball!

handle_url_tag('http://jamesb.pho.to/albums/christmas_ball_1', 'Christmas Ball Magazine')

The picture was done with Photoshop CS cool

P.S. I can't find how to upload a picture on this forum - so I used a widget cool

Thank you very much for an idea!

We will make a template with this photo as soon as possible. Check for updates. wink


".str_replace(array('[', '\"'), array('[', '"'), 'youss7')." ".$lang_common['wrote'].":

I'm ready to help you for french translations! smile

ok, I've sent you an e-mail )


(25 replies, posted in Photo! 3D Album & Screensaver)


".str_replace(array('[', '\"'), array('[', '"'), 'youss7')." ".$lang_common['wrote'].":

At first, I would like to thank you for this nice job, a big job, a fantastic job...
My question is, could I create new templates by myself? If not, do you planned to let simples users like me, the possibility to create some of them, with the same easy way, we can create a 3D album?
Sorry for my poor English, but my French is not to bad big_smile


Yes! ))) You can create a 3D template by yourself in any popular 3D editor, like 3D Max for example. Simply create a 3D scene and send us for continuing it. We are waiting for your beautiful template at pr {@} vicman.net

UPDATE: We no longer accept 3D models made by users, as we have not resources to develop Photo! 3D Album and Photo! 3D Screensaver. Please, don't send us 3D models.


".str_replace(array('[', '\"'), array('[', '"'), 'kos1')." ".$lang_common['wrote'].":

"Can you burn a 3d album to a disc that will then play on a dvd player??? If so, how? Il burn using Nero but the album may have to be encoded to a different file format as the .exe file surely wont work on a dvd player???:)


Unfortunately, Photo! 3D Album can't record video, but this task is perfectly solving by Camtasia Studio software


(1 replies, posted in Free Online Pho.to services)

Your opinion is valuable for us!


(1 replies, posted in Photo! 3D Album & Screensaver)

What framing option do you prefer more:

', '*')
', '*')
', '*')


Your opinion is valuable for us!


(25 replies, posted in Photo! 3D Album & Screensaver)

No, it's possible to download templates only via the program. The speed must be the same.


(15 replies, posted in Photo! Editor)

Dear users!

Write here your bugs and suggestions regarding Photo! Editor software (free for download from handle_url_tag('http://pho.to/editor/download.php)')


".str_replace(array('[', '\"'), array('[', '"'), 'BOBSBESTPHOTOS')." ".$lang_common['wrote'].":

"Question: can I input a Widget into an already Web Photo Album on my web page ?


You can't input widget into an already made Web Album, but you can input it into new album like this - handle_url_tag('http://vicman_pr.pho.to/albums/gal3d/')


(5 replies, posted in Photo! Editor)

Hi Jack!

You'd better to install new version named Photo! Editor 1.1, download it for free here - handle_url_tag('http://pho.to/ediotr/download.php')
This program lets you process photos by right-clicking, exept of it the program is Vista-ready


(5 replies, posted in Photo! Editor)


".str_replace(array('[', '\"'), array('[', '"'), 'jack')." ".$lang_common['wrote'].":

"I am useing Photo Toolkit 1.7, however, I can't preview or process any of my pictures by right clicking.  It lets me open the picture with the program, but I then have to search for the picture because only the program opens.  The picture isn't there.  I am useing Vista and it wont let me change my default preview program.  Thanks....


(7 replies, posted in Photo! Web Album)


".str_replace(array('[', '\"'), array('[', '"'), 'cricklyon')." ".$lang_common['wrote'].":

"I've been uploading albulms fine until your server crash. Since then it compresses and then uploads, but right at the end when it gets to 100% of the file size upload, it says my internet connection has dropped and I can cancel or retry.

Needless to say my internet connection hasn't been interupted (on wireless cable) and everything else (email, facebook etc) is still working fine. And it never does this midway through the upload, but right at the end.

Is there something I need to do to stop this? I can't upload anything at the moment.

Thanks for a report!

1) What version of Photo! Web Album you use?
2) Could you send the logs at customercare [at] vicman.net? To make this you need to launch the program, then upload an album and after the mistake has occured send us bug report (hit "Help" button, then choose "Send bug" option).

Dear users!

We propose to you is to send us your photos which can be a base for handle_url_tag('http://funny.pho.to/', 'Funny Photo!') templates. Best templates will appear in Funny Photo! service and will have the link to your homepage. Also if you want, your template can be watermarked by your label (e.g. "John special for Pho.to).

                                                     FAQ about uploaded templates:

1) What I need to upload?

You need to upload .ZIP or .RAR archieve with at least one image inside.

2) What kind of photos can I upload into the archive?

Upload photos, that  evoke a smile ))))

Please, put in archive .png, .jpg or .psd images of rather good resolution (not less then 1024*768). The original photo with your author rights is a must. Also you can add some additional explaining images. Photoshop experts, you are welcome! cool(layers, effects and so on... Everything in what you are masters). You can upload template for adding 1, 2, 3 and more users' photos in it.

3) Do I need to mark the place there users will add photo(s) in my template?

You, you can mark such places on additional (except of original) images. Also please, tell if you want to inscribe only facial area or images of any kind in each place of your template. And if you want to apply different filters to inscribed photos, write it in template's description field (for example, black and white, sepia, oil painting - see the full list on handle_url_tag('http://editor.pho.to')).

4) What else I need to make (except of creating an archive)?

You need to fill the fields on handle_url_tag('http://funny.pho.to/upload-template.php') page such as your name and e-mail, template's name and (optionally)  your homepage URL and your template's description.

4) How I can watermark my image?

You can add your watermark on the image, but also please, add the phrase "for Pho.to" or "exclusive for Pho.to"

5) What will I get if my template will be chosen by Pho.to?

Your template will appear in Users' Templates section and the link on your homepage will be published at handle_url_tag('http://funny.pho.to') page.

Example of images:

Original photo

handle_img_tag('http://natali.pho.to/images/pvwajgk/image.jpg', false)

Additional explaining photo #1

handle_img_tag('http://natali.pho.to/images/m4vqiav/image.jpg', false)

Additional explaining photo #2

handle_img_tag('http://natali.pho.to/images/gstddn5/image.jpg', false)

Feel free to ask your qustions.:) We'll add them in this FAQ.

Upload your template handle_url_tag('http://funny.pho.to/upload-template.php', 'here') right now!.

To everyone with the same problem (when screensaver did not start):

1) Try to start a screensaver without adding music files. Does it works?

2) Send us, please, Screensaver logs after the moment when you set it like your active screensaver and it did not start after a minute, for example.

The logs are in the folder “C:\Program Files\Photo!\Photo! 3D Album\Bin\”, with the names “Photo! 3D Screensaver.log” and “Photo! 3D ScreensaverIrr.log”.

Thank you in advance for your help!


(7 replies, posted in Photo! Web Album)

Unfortunately, you can't delete a single photo from the online web album, only full album and then recreate and upload it again.

We are working with the problem


(3 replies, posted in Photo! Editor)

You mean is it has the same panel as in the bottom of a screenshot?
No, it has not. Only the earlier Photo Toolkit have.

Though the new Photo! Editor can’t edit photos through Image & Fax viewer, if you open the photo in Image and Fax viewer and then make a mouse right-click on a photo, you’ll see the option ”Process photos” with all Photo! Editor tools. So it’s the alternative way to use Photo! Editor in Image & Fax Viewer.


".str_replace(array('[', '\"'), array('[', '"'), 'James Bond')." ".$lang_common['wrote'].":

"I liked 3d widget and I wanted to share it my friend in Austria, but she doesn't speak English. sad
Do u plan to make an alternate 3d widget web-page on different languages, such as German or French or Italian?

Hello James!

Thank you for an idea.

Do you want us to tarnslate only 3D widget page?
Can you help us with translation?