This tutorial will show you how to change facial emotions in portrait photos and create funniest face animations with handle_url_tag('', '') service.

See how you can modify face photos at You can make a face smile, wink, raise a brow, look sad or surprised and so on! Mona Lisa looks cool, doesn't she? wink

handle_img_tag('', false)

You can also animate a face, like this:
handle_img_tag('', false)

Besides, there is a set of 'freaky' face effects, and an ability to create cartoon-like pictures from your photos.  See what you can do with Gregory House picture:

This is the original image:
handle_img_tag('', false)

And these are some possible changes:
handle_img_tag('', false)  handle_img_tag('', false)  handle_img_tag('', false)

The cartoon effect:
handle_img_tag('', false)

So how you can do all this?

1) First, open handle_url_tag('', '') and upload a photo either from your computer or from the web:
Note! The face on the photo must be large enough to detect it automatically. The algorithm shows much better results on high-resolution images

handle_img_tag('', false)

2) As soon as your photo is uploaded, it will be cartoonized.
Also you will see a settings panel with a list of available effects and controls (animation controls are avalaible for emotion effects only).
The Face auto crop option lets you crop a face from your photo automatically.

By default, the 'smile' emotion is applied. Choose other effects by checking other radio buttons.

                handle_img_tag('', false)

Tip: To compare the original and the resulting images,  switch between the 'Source' and 'Result' buttons.

Tip #2: If you like the resulting image and feel like showing it off to the whole world, click the 'Share it' button on the panel to the right:

                handle_img_tag('', false)

3) Now save or share the resulting image any way you like:

                       handle_img_tag('', false)

[*]Share it easily to any site or blog with the given codes; get short URLs to post the image on Twitter or anywhere else; or post it instantly to a social network (Facebook, MySpace, Twitter and others) with a button click![/*]
[*]Save it to disk[/*]
[*]or Send it as an e-card (you can create a fun e-card with your resulting image and send it to a friend) [/*]
', '*')


".str_replace(array('[', '\"'), array('[', '"'), 'spaceboy')." ".$lang_common['wrote'].":

is it possible to save the 'Cartoon Photo!' to the computer as Flash?

Hello spaceboy!

No, now it's only possible to save it in your account as a Flash page.

We are planning to save the animations in Flash and will realize it in 2 months.


(1 replies, posted in Photo! Web Album)


".str_replace(array('[', '\"'), array('[', '"'), 'turquoisecrow')." ".$lang_common['wrote'].":

"I down loaded Web Album and can not get it to open. I have tried to open using Run as Administer, that wouldn't open it either.

any suggestions?


Are you an administrator on the computer where you try to run Web Album?

what program writes when you click on .exe file?

Have you previous versions of Web Album on this computer


(25 replies, posted in Photo! 3D Album & Screensaver)


".str_replace(array('[', '\"'), array('[', '"'), 'fandy')." ".$lang_common['wrote'].":


".str_replace(array('[', '\"'), array('[', '"'), 'Frynz Frostblade')." ".$lang_common['wrote'].":

"Is it possible to download new templates via http? Downloading from the program isn't very fast.

Yes, it's possible to download them via HTTP, read the message below

Make your full size photo easily available to the rest of the world with handle_url_tag('', 'Share Photo!') service.

Upload a photo from your computer or specify an image URL and become able to share it anywhere: on a social network, blog or your web site through an embed code or its URL. Customize a shared photo easily by adding a description, adjusting its size and access level.

informaticapratica (Italian blog that write about Internet for everybody) has reviewed our service in this article -



(12 replies, posted in site discussion)

We have one new review of our service here - handle_url_tag('')

Many thanks to the author! smile


".str_replace(array('[', '\"'), array('[', '"'), 'mirnella')." ".$lang_common['wrote'].":



May be the face on your photo can't be recognized. The reccomendation is: "Effects marked with  use face detection technology. For the face to be detected properly, use good quality photos en face."

If you can't have results for any picture, please, send us some examples on

Thank you very much for the report.


".str_replace(array('[', '\"'), array('[', '"'), 'fla3')." ".$lang_common['wrote'].":


I shared several photos, how can I see them all at once?

Hello Fla3!

You need to open the page handle_url_tag('') if you saved photos to account. If not - then the only way to see the photos is to know the addres of each photo (and you can not see them all in one place). So it's preferrable to save your shared photos to your account.

What are the most common problems of digital photos? Obviously, they are bad colors, low contrast, digital noise and poor sharpness. Portrait photos are also often ruined by the notorious "red eye" effect.
You can say, there are plenty of photo editing programs that are able to solve all the above mentioned defects. But how much time will you spend fixing your pictures?

The free online handle_url_tag('', '') service is a really smart alternative. Here we'll tell you how it works.

Very often, you have photos similar to this (the left part of the photo) - with low contrast, dull colors and bad lighting (too dark or over-exposed):

handle_img_tag('', false)

Look how can improve it.

1) Open handle_url_tag('') and upload a photo you need to improve. Click "From disk" to upload a photo from your computer, or click "Enter URL" to upload an image from the Internet.

handle_img_tag('', false)   

2) After you have uploaded a photo, you will see the enhanced image instantly.
Tip: You can check or uncheck the enhancement options, depending on what type of correction your photo really needs.
To compare the result with the original photo, switch between the ‘Source’ and ‘Result’ radio buttons.

handle_img_tag('', false)

3) Now you can save the resulting image any way you like

[*]Share it easily to any site or blog with the given codes; get short URLs to post the image on Twitter or anywhere else; or post it instantly to a social network (Facebook, MySpace, Twitter and others) with a button click![/*]
[*]Save it to disk[/*]
[*]or Send it as an e-card (you can create a fun e-card with your resulting image and send it to a friend) [/*]
', '*')

We have one more review of Cartoon Photo! serice in Italian:


See what other bloggers write about Makeup Photo!


The new review of our Funny Photo! service has been written:

The long awaited localization of Makeup Photo! service has finally arrived. Now the handle_url_tag('') page is available in 5 languages:

•    U.S. English
•    Russian
•    Español
•    Français
•    Deutsch

Enjoy easy portrait retouching in your native language!


(7 replies, posted in Bright ideas)


".str_replace(array('[', '\"'), array('[', '"'), 'Kristoforus')." ".$lang_common['wrote'].":

"Would you please improve this great software so can hold the video file, docs file with indexing.

It would become a 3D e-filing system which I never found. Imagine, how great software when I can walkthough a virtual room to find a doc file or video on each category on the wall. I also can search and see on the map where the doc/file is filed.


Thank you, this is really great idea, and we will regard it closely, but it looks hard to implement ex facte.


(1 replies, posted in Photo! 3D Album & Screensaver)


".str_replace(array('[', '\"'), array('[', '"'), 'ivantheterrible')." ".$lang_common['wrote'].":

"Hi, is there a setting to get the screen saver to work with both screens?
I run WinXp with 2 screens.


Unfortunately, the screensaver has not such setting

Do you want to share photos effortlessly? Without  having to hand your personal information to any site. Without paying an arm and a leg for subscription. Without having your image to be downsized.

All you need is to use handle_url_tag('', '') and you will never think of looking for another photo sharing service!

handle_img_tag('', false, 'Your one-stop service for sharing photos anytime, anywhere')

Look how friendly and intuitive handle_url_tag('', '') is. Let's check it out together!

1. Go to and click handle_img_tag('', false, 'Upload your photos')

Now  click the 'Choose photos to upload' button. You can add any number of photos  at a time. Press Ctrl-key (or Cmd-key if you are on a Mac) and select all the files you want to upload. Or you can simply hold down the left mouse button and draw a rectangle. All the photos inside the rectangle will be added to your photo set. Then all the photos will be uploaded to our servers automatically.

handle_img_tag('', false, 'Pick some photos from a folder')

Tip: Tip: If you' have picked the wrong picture click the recycle bin icon at the lower right corner. This photo will be removed from your photo set.

handle_img_tag('', false, 'Remove the photos you do not want to share')

2. Change the photos you are going to share.

You may want to add a few more photos to the set. Or you may want to delete some photos. Maybe you are just going to rearrange them. If you want to do anything of the above, press Edit at the top of the screen.

handle_img_tag('', false, 'Edit the photos in your photo set')

When you click it, you'll have the following options:
[*]'Add photos' will help you if you want to upload a few more pictures to your photo set.[/*]
[*]'Rearrange' is he way to go if you want to change the order in which the photos will be showed.[/*]
[*]'Delete' is there to help you get rid of the whole photo set instantly.[/*]
', '*')

Tip: if you want to delete a single photo instead of the whole photo set, click the recycle bin near the upper right corner of the photo. If you want to replace it with another picture, click the image icon. The original photo will be deleted from your photo set, and a new one will be uploaded instead.

handle_img_tag('', false, 'Delete photos you don't want to share or replace them with other ones')

Click the 'Done' button when you are ready!

3. The final touch: add a caption to your photo set and your photos.

Sometimes you want to label your photos with funny captions, add a background story or just indicate when and where a photo was taken.

You can add some text to the whole photo set and to an individual photo. If you want to write something, press Edit at the top of the screen. You'll get numerous options to add your text, feel free to use one of them, all of them or any combination of them!

handle_img_tag('', false, 'Add captions')

Don't forget to click 'Done' when you add all the text you wanted. If you change your mind, you can delete everything you've written by clicking 'Discard text changes'.

Tip: To make your photos look fabulous you can apply beautiful photo effects at handle_url_tag('', '').  Remember that a nice picture can tell a thousand words.

4. Your photo set is ready to share!

That is it, you are all done. Your brand-new album and all the photos have intuitive URLs starting with handle_url_tag(''). For example, our sample album URL is handle_url_tag('', ''). Your friends will immediately know if you send them photos by the way the link looks.

Share your photo set or any photo the way you prefer:
[*]Copy and send a short  link to your photo set or an individual photo[/*]
[*]Share photos to your favorite social network in one click[/*]
[*]Get an embed code for forums or websites[/*]
', '*')

handle_img_tag('', false, 'Many ways to share photos')

Tip: You can share an individual photo from a photo set. Place your mouse cursor on the photo and you will see a panel with sharing options.

handle_img_tag('', false, 'Share one photo of the photo set')

5. Get feedback from your friends.

Your friends cannot add captions to photos, however, they can add comments to photo sets. We have set up a reliable comments system on Your friends can log in with their Twitter and Facebook accounts or post their comments as guests. It’s a fast and easy way to share your thoughts and emotions!

handle_img_tag('', false, 'Adding comments is easy')

6. Control your photo sets.

Only you can see the upper panel which gives you access to photo set editing. To have this access to the photo set admin options from everywhere, click Edit and open Admin area by clicking More. Then copy and save the 'Permanent admin link'. If you try to open your photo set on another device or with another browser without using the permanent admin link, you will not get admin rights.

If you think that you might need to delete your photo set quickly you should save the 'Permanent deletion link'. If you follow this link from any device your photo set is instantly deleted. Be careful as you cannot undo it!

handle_img_tag('', false, 'Save these links')

7. Download your photos.

You or any of your friends can download photo sets easily. When you click the 'Download all' button a download of your photo set compessed into a .zip archive will start. You can download a single photo if you place your mouse cursor on the photo and click the download icon.

handle_img_tag('', false, 'Download photo sets and individual photos')

8. Use on your phone.

If you have an iPhone or an Android phone you can create photo sets on the go. The apps are free and as easy to use as the web service is. Get on the App Store or download it from Google Play.

handle_url_tag('', ' for iOS')

handle_img_tag('', false, 'App Store QR code')

handle_url_tag('', ' for Android')

handle_img_tag('', false, 'Google Play QR code')

Report here your problems connected with service (handle_url_tag('')).

We will be glad to fix the bugs and make the service even more convenient!

Just making a selfie with your phone or camera is not yet enough to post it on the web. It can look much better with color enhancement and retouch! In fact,  not all people are photogenic, and some portrait photos still need to be improved. That’s why we have a great online tool to fix portrait imperfections - handle_url_tag('', ''). With new modern design and intuitive interface, it is your magic wand for making perfect selfies.

handle_img_tag('', false)

A few clicks - and will remove spots and wrinckles, apply skin makeup and glamour effect, remove red eye effect and whiten the teeth. So, how does it work?

1) Click the ‘Enhance your photo’ button and upload a picture from your device or from Facebook
Note! The face in a photo should be large enough to be automatically detected.

handle_img_tag('', false)

2) Get your enhanced photo instantly
All retouching options (except for the additional 'Color enhancement' tool) are checked by default, but you can uncheck the ones you consider unnecessary.

You can also apply each option separately:

[*]handle_url_tag('', 'Skin makeup') - removes pimples and skin defects[/*]
[*]handle_url_tag('', 'Shine remover') -  removes oily skin glare[/*]
[*]handle_url_tag('', 'Wrinkle smoothing') - removes wrinkles and smoothes the skin[/*]
[*]handle_url_tag('', 'Eye makeup') -  removes red eye effect and enhances eye contour and eye color[/*]
[*]handle_url_tag('', 'Teeth whitening') - whitens the teeth[/*]
[*]Glamour effect - “glamorizes” an image with a soft focus effect[/*]
[*]Color enhancement - adds saturation and more contrast to a photo[/*]
', '*')

The upgraded got the additional tab with a lot of color filters you can use for free. Try them in a real time and find the one that fits your picture best!

handle_img_tag('', false) handle_img_tag('', false)

To compare the enhanced image with the original, click and hold the ‘See original’ button.

handle_img_tag('', false)

3) Save and share the enhanced image or change the photo to start again

The picture will be temporarily saved on server to give you the opportunity to share it by link or to post it to any website or blog with the given embed codes. Besides, you can download the pic on your computer, instantly post it to most popular social networks (Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+) or send it by e-mail.

handle_img_tag('', false)

Make perfect selfies and retouch your portrait photos online with handle_url_tag('', '')!

Report here your problems connected with Photo! Presentation Widget service.

We will be glad to fix the bugs and make the service even more convenient!

Write below about your problems connected with Enhance Photo! service.

We will be glad to fix the bugs and make the service even more convenient!

Report here your problems connected with Cartoon Photo! service.

We will be glad to fix the bugs and make the service even more convenient!

Write about your problems connected with Makeup Photo! service in this topic.

We will be glad to fix the bugs and make the service even more convenient!

Report here your problems connected with Funny Photo! service.

We will be glad to fix the bugs and make the service even more convenient!

Report here your problems connected with Online Photo! Editor service.

We will be glad to fix the bugs and make the service even more convenient!

Dear Users!

You are welcome to translate our services into most widespread languages
(Russian, Chinese, French, Spanish, Portugese, Japanese, Korean, Turkish and more!)

Help us and your friends to start using professional services with ease! smile

handle_img_tag('', false)

The services you can translate are:

[*]handle_url_tag('', 'Online Photo! Editor')[/*]
[*]handle_url_tag('', 'Photo! Presentation Widget')[/*]
[*]handle_url_tag('', 'Makeup Photo!')[/*]
[*]handle_url_tag('', 'Funny Photo!')[/*]
[*]handle_url_tag('', 'Cartoon Photo!')[/*]
[*]handle_url_tag('', 'Enhance Photo!')[/*]
', '*')

Note! Funny Photo! and Makeup Photo! services are already translated in some languages, so write us a letter at pr@vicman[dot]net before you will start a translation. This will save your valuable time.