(1 replies, posted in Free Online Pho.to services)


".str_replace(array('[', '\"'), array('[', '"'), 'mistyc817')." ".$lang_common['wrote'].":

"I have tried to upload a new album for 2 days now. It uploads all the way then i get this message

internal error please try to upload your album later.

HELP how do i correct this????

Hello mistyc817!

Please, tell what kind of album and in which program you are trying to upload. How large is your album?

ferity, for example for the Funny Photo! service you can load your picture by clicking "Browse" button:

handle_img_tag('http://natali.pho.to/images/d2xz6wd/image.jpg', false)

With other services the action is the same.


".str_replace(array('[', '\"'), array('[', '"'), 'ferity')." ".$lang_common['wrote'].":

"Why I cannot load a photo from a computer? The reference to loading is not active..

Hello ferity!

Please, tell what happened when you tried to upload the photo?
Can you send this photo at castomercare [at] vicman . net so we could check it?

Hello Hungcan!

Unfortunately, our services don't support adding sound files online. But we are regarding this idea and possibly it will be realized.

One user asked us: "How do I email animated pictures to family and friends?"

So, it's very simple. And there are several ways to perform it.

1. Click "Save to account" button and you'll be redirected to the page handle_url_tag('http://YOUR_NICK.pho.to/images.php') if you are a registered member. If you are not registered, you can make it righ after click and then you'll have the sane result.

2. Now you need to click on the image you want to send and you'll see a page with unique address (example - handle_url_tag('http://natali.pho.to/images/07B7E5B0-A208-4629-BCD5-F5904E85C3DB/)'). So you can simply send your friend this unique address. Also on this unique page you can see "Bookmark" button. This button will help you to print, e-mail or share the image.

Another way to get the unique page without registraton is clicking "Share" button in the service page. So your action are the sane, but the picture will be deleted if there will be no hits more then 60 days.

And the last way is to download the ready .gif image to your computer clicking "Download" button and sent it by e-mail to to family and friends like you do it usually.


".str_replace(array('[', '\"'), array('[', '"'), 'jimfolk')." ".$lang_common['wrote'].":

"Can't get the Cartoon Photo program to respond. 


".str_replace(array('[', '\"'), array('[', '"'), 'Pho.to_admin')." ".$lang_common['wrote'].":

"Report here your problems connected with Cartoon Photo! service.

We will be glad to fix the bugs and make the service even more convenient!

Hi jimfolk!

Please, write a step-by step description of your actions before the bug occured. Screenshots will be great. You can e-mail your report to customercare@vicman.net

Thank you


".str_replace(array('[', '\"'), array('[', '"'), 'Anya544')." ".$lang_common['wrote'].":

"hi. i uploaded a photo and a message box appeared saying the requested url was not found. i tried uploading the photo to photobucket then entering the url, i got the same problem. the url was there... i don't get it.

Sorry for inconvenience, our services were working with problems during 15 and 16 th May. Now all bugs with photo uploading are fixed. Thank you for attencion and for your reports!


".str_replace(array('[', '\"'), array('[', '"'), 'ALEX')." ".$lang_common['wrote'].":


Hello all!

Sorry for inconvenience, our services were working with problems during 15 and 16 th May. Now all bugs with photo uploading are fixed. Thank you for attencion and for your reports!


".str_replace(array('[', '\"'), array('[', '"'), 'annanovy')." ".$lang_common['wrote'].":

"hi:mad:the photos i click dont let me what can i do???????????????????????????????????:(


Please, tell what exactly your problem. Is it unfound face on your photo?
If so, then try to use larger image en face.


".str_replace(array('[', '\"'), array('[', '"'), 'perla')." ".$lang_common['wrote'].":

"oi adorei esta maquiagem mais

Thank you for appreciation, perla! smile


(6 replies, posted in Photo! Web Album)


".str_replace(array('[', '\"'), array('[', '"'), 'rumballchick')." ".$lang_common['wrote'].":

"Thanks for that tip.  It wasn't exactly what I was thinking of but that's my fault for not explaining more clearly.  I wanted a place to add more details but still keep the file name.  Does that box you showed above limited in the number of characters used?

I've tried now and 80 characters are ok. More is possible, but the limit is about 90.


(6 replies, posted in Photo! Web Album)

See on this screenshot - you simply move your mouse arrow to the image name on the left and click on it. Then change the photo caption.

handle_img_tag('http://natali.pho.to/images/4isxdll/image.jpg', false)


(12 replies, posted in Photo! 3D Album & Screensaver)


".str_replace(array('[', '\"'), array('[', '"'), 'Care For')." ".$lang_common['wrote'].":

"You mean using "Nemoinfo i3D Photo" software or "3D Max" Software to create a 1-level model? Where can get the 3D Max software?

Please advice. Thanks in advance.

I mean 3D Max. Yopu can download it from official Autodesk web site -  handle_url_tag('http://usa.autodesk.com/adsk/servlet/mform?siteID=123112&id=10083915') (free trial)

Want to create the coolest avatar? At handle_url_tag('http://avatar.pho.to', 'Avatar Photo! service') you can animate your face, put yourself in the matrix, see your face become a fun kaleidoscope, and much much more! tongue

See how you can do it:

1) Open handle_url_tag('http://avatar.pho.to') page. You'll see the list of effects. Click on an effect preview to choose it. After this, you'll be immediately taken to step 2.

                handle_img_tag('http://Swimming_Cat.pho.to/images/b12vnzn/image.jpg', false)

2) At step 2 you need to upload your photo. Click "From disk" to select a photo from your computer, or "Enter URL" to upload a picture via URL. You can also choose a picture from the list of samples, or from the list of your previously uploaded photos.

               handle_img_tag('http://Swimming_Cat.pho.to/images/lftr3h8/image.jpg', false)

(For some effects, you will need to select more than one photo. In this case, select several photos one by one.)

3) Here you are!

              handle_img_tag('http://Swimming_Cat.pho.to/images/knxzcd6/image.jpg', false)

The options to the left of the picture let you modify the result to your liking:

- adjust avatar size;
- choose the cropping mode (use only face or the whole image);
- disable animation in case you want a static avatar;
- adjust number of frames and animation speed;
- and add your text to the avatar.

Now you most probably want to save your avatar. It's easy and free - just choose the saving option you like more:

[*]Save to disk[/*]
[*]or Share it (even without registration! smile)[/*]
[*]or Save to account and host it on Pho.to site forever [/*]
', '*')

When you Share your avatar or Save it to account, the site generates a page where your image will be stored in flash environment. It is very convenient: you can add a description to an image and get its embed code for easy posting on any site or blog. It is also possible to set the access for the image(if you don't want anybody to download your picture with a right-click wink ).

Tip: If you like the result and want others to see it, click "Share it" button on the panel to the right and make the picture available to site visitors.

handle_img_tag('http://Swimming_Cat.pho.to/images/inkry7a/image.jpg', false)

If you want to apply another avatar effect to the same photo, click the "Change effect" button. If you want to try another photo with the same effect, click the "Change photo" button. If you want to start from the very beginning, click the "Start again" button.

Let us know what other effects you'd like to see. We will implement the most interesting ideas.

P.S. It seems like many people came to this topic wishing to make a Navi avatar from their photo.
Rigth like this:

handle_img_tag('http://stock1.pho.to/data1/7/c/4/7c40c8ea-9473-2d14-29a1-1d3a5defdc63.jpg', false) => handle_url_tag('http://share.pho.to/pB8E03', 'handle_img_tag('http://stock1.pho.to/data1/2/b/7/2b7c04cf-1a5a-0a54-c1b0-04a6ea132807.gif', false)')

You can make Na'vi avatar from your own photo for free in several seconds at the following pages:
1) handle_url_tag('http://avatar.pho.to/avatar/') - animated avatar
2) handle_url_tag('http://funny.pho.to/avatar/') - static avatar


".str_replace(array('[', '\"'), array('[', '"'), '5886880tanyalee')." ".$lang_common['wrote'].":

"wont let me do anything i try to open a photo from my computer and it just dont open anything whats happening here please help me thanks !!


Please, tell what browser you are using? As I understand, you click "Browse" button and nothing happeens?


".str_replace(array('[', '\"'), array('[', '"'), 'jeross97')." ".$lang_common['wrote'].":

"How do I change the number of columns from 5 to 4?  I want to use the larger thunbnail size and 5 columns flow past the page.  Is there a way to set up Web Album so that it will use only 4 columns?

Hello Jeross97!

Unfortunately, it's impossible to change the number of columns. It's just possible to change the size of thumbnails in the slideshow mode.

A Flash slideshow is a great way to showcase your photos - such albums are light weight and provide fast loading speed.

handle_url_tag('http://pho.to/widget3d/', 'Photo! Presentation Widget') service lets you create flash-based slideshows online, with a few mouse clicks. You can add photos either from your computer or from the internet via an URL. Then, you can share albums any way you like: save them on Pho.to hosting, or get an embed code for easy posting on forums, blogs, etc.

Currently, the service can extract photos from Flickr™ photo service. In future, we plan to support other popular photo services.

Creating a flash slideshow with Photo! Presentation Widget is easy and fun:

Open handle_url_tag('http://pho.to/widget3d/', 'Photo! Presentation Widget') service. You will see the following:

                   handle_img_tag('http://pho.to/img/soft/s3d/main-page.png', false)

First, in template selection window, choose Flash slideshow.

handle_img_tag('http://natali.pho.to/images/chpk6b8/image.jpg', false)

Then, there are three ways to add photos:

1) Upload photos from your computer with the 'Upload' button.

                  handle_img_tag('http://pho.to/img/soft/s3d/upload.png', false)


2) Select photos from Flickr™ by tags or username. Click 'Flickr' button to start.

handle_img_tag('http://pho.to/img/soft/s3d/flickr-bytag.png', false)  handle_img_tag('http://pho.to/img/soft/s3d/flickr-byuser.png', false)

Enter Flickr user name or a tag (or several tags), and the service will immediately find the photos you need.


3) Add photos by copy-pasting their URLs. To do so, click the URLs button.

                handle_img_tag('http://pho.to/img/soft/s3d/urls.png', false)

In the opened window, copy & paste an image URL (or a text containing image URLs) into the text box. Click the "Add" button and the service will automatically extract all pictures from the text and add them into your slideshow.

A tip for advanced users: You can also use a web page source code to add images from a webpage. To extract the source code, open a web page and use the browser menu or hot keys mentioned below:

[*]Firefox:  View->Page Source  or    Ctrl+U handle_img_tag('http://pho.to/img/soft/s3d/page-source-choice-ff.png', false)[/*]
', '*')

[*]Internet Explorer 6, 7: View->Source handle_img_tag('http://pho.to/img/soft/s3d/page-source-choice-ie7.png', false) [/*]
', '*')

After you are finished with the photo selection, press the "Create widget" button to instantly view your flash photo slideshow. After an easy registration process you will be able to save it on Pho.to hosting and get an embed code for easy posting on any web page.

For your convenience, we have implemented fast access to popular blogs and bookmarking services to publish your photo widgets there.

handle_url_tag('http://vicman_pr.pho.to/albums/cats_in_flash/', 'handle_img_tag('http://vicman_pr.pho.to/images/3zqr6cd/image.jpg', false)')

Looking for a really special way to present your photos? At Pho.to site, you can create cool 3D galleries and 3D albums with your photos. You can do it online, as well as offline, using our online services or free software.

                                      handle_img_tag('http://Swimming_Cat.pho.to/images/upcjn44/image.jpg', false)


To create 3D galleries offline, download handle_url_tag('http://pho.to/album3d/download.php', 'Photo! 3D Album software').

handle_url_tag('http://pho.to/album3d/', 'Photo! 3D Album') features at a glance: 

[*]Create highly customized 3D galleries with your photos.[/*]
[*]Use created galleries as screensavers.[/*]
[*]Add comments to photos.[/*]
[*]Share galleries in a variety of ways: as a stand-alone executable, a web gallery in Shockwave format, an installable screensaver, etc.[/*]
', '*')

Detailed step by step instructions on how to create, customize and share your 3D gallery can be found in Photo! 3D Album help document:

handle_img_tag('http://Swimming_Cat.pho.to/images/1buiaxq/image.jpg', false)


To create 3D galleries and albums online, go to handle_url_tag('http://pho.to/widget3d/', 'Photo! Presentation Widget service').

handle_url_tag('http://pho.to/widget3d/', 'Photo! Presentation Widget')  features at a glance: 

[*]Create 3D albums and 3D photo books online with a few clicks.[/*]
[*]Upload photos from your computer, via an URL, or from Flickr™ (by tags or username).[/*]
[*]Share your photo albums on any site with an embed code, or publish them instantly to social networks using the quick-post interface.[/*]
', '*')

Creating a 3D album with Photo! Presentation Widget is easy and fun. Open handle_url_tag('http://pho.to/widget3d/', 'Photo! Presentation Widget') service. You will see the following:

                   handle_img_tag('http://pho.to/img/soft/s3d/main-page.png', false)

First, in template selection window, choose a 3D album or a 3D gallery you like:

                   handle_img_tag('http://pho.to/img/soft/s3d/templates-choice.png', false)

Then, there are three ways to add photos:

1) Upload photos from your computer with the 'Upload' button.

handle_img_tag('http://pho.to/img/soft/s3d/upload.png', false)


2) Select photos from Flickr™ by tags or username. Click 'Flickr' button to start.

handle_img_tag('http://pho.to/img/soft/s3d/flickr-bytag.png', false)  handle_img_tag('http://pho.to/img/soft/s3d/flickr-byuser.png', false)

Enter Flickr user name or a tag (or several tags), and the service will immediately find the photos you need.


3) Add photos by copy-pasting their URLs. To do so, click the URLs button.

handle_img_tag('http://pho.to/img/soft/s3d/urls.png', false)

In the opened window, copy & paste an image URL (or a text containing image URLs) into the text box. Click the "Add" button and the service will automatically extract all pictures from the text and add them into your slideshow.

After you are finished with the photo selection, press the "Create widget" button to instantly view your photo presentation.
After an easy registration process you will be able to save the album on Pho.to hosting and get an embed code for easy posting on any web page. For your convenience, we have implemented fast access to popular blogs and bookmarking services to publish your photo albums there.

handle_img_tag('http://pho.to/img/soft/s3d/widget-info-page.png', false)

Yesterday you had a cool party and now want to show your photos to friends? Or you have just returned from an exciting trip and feel eager to share your photo memories? Free handle_url_tag('http://pho.to/webalbum/download.php', 'Photo! Web Album') software lets you do it the easiest way possible, and in style!

With Photo! Web Album, you will have a wide choice of album templates, here are just a few of them:

handle_img_tag('http://Swimming_Cat.pho.to/images/mdu9q6d/image.jpg', false)

The full list of album templates is available handle_url_tag('http://pho.to/webalbum/templates.php', 'here').

Photo! Web Album lets you publish your photo albums on Pho.to hosting or on other web sites - directly from within the program. Another great thing - Photo! Web Album contains built-in photo editing tools, so you can fine-tune your pictures before publishing them.

See this handle_url_tag('http://pho.to/webalbum/tour.php', 'video tutorial') to learn how to create beautiful web photo albums and post them to the Internet.
(To view this animated tutorial you need to have Java installed (you can download it for free at handle_url_tag('http://www.java.com', 'www.java.com'))


(25 replies, posted in Photo! 3D Album & Screensaver)


".str_replace(array('[', '\"'), array('[', '"'), 'cemls')." ".$lang_common['wrote'].":

"I don't find the "Design" button on my Photo 3D Album. Is there a new soft for download?

The newest 1.2 version of Photo! 3D Album is available by the link handle_url_tag('http://pho.to/album3d/download.php') smile
It has the "Design" button.

Do you want to create cool photo montages and fun photo effects with just a couple of clicks, without using complicated photo editing software? Discover handle_url_tag('http://funny.pho.to/', 'Funny.Pho.to') and get ready for fun!!! smile big_smile wink

                 handle_img_tag('http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6085/6075846049_0e154fec9f_z.jpg', false)

Step 1. Go to handle_url_tag('http://funny.pho.to') and choose an effect. You will see the list of photo effects and templates divided into several groups (photorealistic montages, painting and drawing effects, celebrity collages, face photo montages, cartoons, photo filters, photo frames of all kinds, and others). Click on an effect preview to choose it. After this, you'll be immediately taken to step 2.


Step 2. Upload your photo. Click "From disk" to select a photo from your computer, or "Enter URL" to upload a picture via an URL:

                 handle_img_tag('http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6081/6068902333_304321b0dd_b.jpg', false)

(For some effects, you will need to select more than one photo. In this case, select several photos one by one.)

Step 3. Adjust and share the resulting picture.

The options to the left of the resulting picture let you modify the result to your liking:

- choose the cropping mode (use only the face from your photo or the whole image),
- add your own text to the picture,
- choose a filter that will be applied to your photo (available for some effects only),
- remove Pho.to watermark (available for registered users).

  handle_img_tag('http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6181/6075932203_5ea0f9397d_z.jpg', false)

Now you can save the resulting picture. It's easy and free - just choose the saving option you like more:

[*]Share it easily to any site or blog with the given codes; get short URLs to post the image on Twitter or anywhere else; or post it instantly to a social network (Facebook, MySpace, Twitter and others) with a button click![/*]
[*]Save it to disk[/*]
[*]or Send it as an e-card (you can create a fun e-card with your resulting image and send it to a friend) [/*]
', '*')

Tip: If you want to apply another effect to the same photo, click the "Change effect" button above the resulting image. If you want to try another photo with the same effect, click the "Change photo" button. If you want to start from the very beginning, click the "Start again" button.

Enjoy the creation! Share your template ideas and be an handle_url_tag('http://funny.pho.to/upload-template.php', 'author of new templates!')

Noise in digital photos looks like flecks of random color in an area of an image that should consist of smooth color. It is somewhat similar to the "snowy" appearance of a bad TV signal. Digital photos shot in low light or with a high ISO setting often exhibit this undesirable noise. Digital noise is most visible in dark areas of the picture and in areas that have a similar color or tone:

handle_img_tag('http://digitalphotographyformoms.net/wp-content/uploads/2009/07/contrast-noise.jpg', false)   

To quickly and efficiently remove digital noise from your photos, use the Denoise tool in Online Photo! Editor.

First of all, go to handle_url_tag('http://editor.pho.to')/ and upload a photo that needs to be edited:

handle_img_tag('http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6081/6068902333_304321b0dd_b.jpg', false)   

When the photo is uploaded, click the Denoise button (in the Correct photos section):

handle_img_tag('http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6062/6072173565_0b605161a1_m.jpg', false)   

As soon as you clicked this tool, your photo is denoised. However, for best results, you can drag the sliders (they will appear above the image) to adjust the noise reduction strength and compensate for image blurring:

handle_img_tag('http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6087/6072735554_286537fe53.jpg', false)   

[*]Luminance denoising:  Luminance (or Contrast) noise can be identified by the lighter or darker spots appearing in a color of an image. Drag the slider to the right to increase the strength of denoising. [/*]
[*]Color denoising: Color noise (or Chrominance noise) is seen as out-of-place specks of red, green or blue on your image. Drag the slider to the right to increase the strength of denoising.
[*]Crispness: compensates for image blurring. Drag the slider to the right to give more sharpness to the image. [/*]
', '*')

Sometimes insufficient sharpness can ruin an otherwise great photo.
There are several causes of blurring in digital photos: probably your hands were shaking, or the object was moving while the shutter was open, or the camera could not focus properly.

Pho.to site offers a smart algorithm that performs automatic deblurring with impressive results. To improve a photo that needs to be sharpened, use the Deblur tool in handle_url_tag('http://editor.pho.to', 'Online Photo! Editor') service.

First of all, upload a photo that needs to be sharpened (from your computer or from the Internet):

handle_img_tag('http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6081/6068902333_304321b0dd_b.jpg', false)   

When your photo is uploaded, click the Deblur button (in the Correct photos section):

handle_img_tag('http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6193/6072639922_70a808471c_m.jpg', false)

The sharpening effect can be controlled with the Strength and Radius sliders (you will find them above the image):

handle_img_tag('http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6199/6072137175_fdd7740ff9.jpg', false)

The strength defines how obvious the sharpening effect will be. Higher strength will result in more sharpening.
The radius determines the area that will be sharpened. With a low radius, only the pixels right next to the edge will be sharpened. With a high radius, a wider area will be sharpened. Setting the radius too high will give you weird outlines around edges.

Tip: Radius and strength work together. If you sharpen with a larger radius, you might need less strength than if you sharpen with a small radius.

This is the result that the tool showed with one of our photos:

handle_img_tag('http://pho.to/img/soft/editor/deblur_before.jpg', false)   handle_img_tag('http://pho.to/img/soft/editor/deblur_after.jpg', false)

How to make a DULL photo come alive?
If you want an instant, all-in-one enhancement made to your photo, use the handle_url_tag('http://enhance.pho.to', 'Enhance Photo!') service. It will perform color correction, lighting and contrast correction and saturation adjustment immediately after you upload your image.

handle_img_tag('http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3344/3344140164_5a40be5930_z.jpg?zz=1', false)   

So how does it work? Just upload a photo into the service either from your computer or via an URL:

handle_img_tag('http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6081/6068902333_304321b0dd_b.jpg', false)   

...and see your image immediately corrected!

To learn more about how to use the Enhance Photo! service, look through this handle_url_tag('http://pho.to/forum/viewtopic.php?id=219', 'tutorial').

You can also make adjustments to image saturation, contrast and color temperature in handle_url_tag('http://editor.pho.to', 'Online Photo! Editor') service. To do so, use the Adjust Saturation, Enhance Color and Color Temperature tools:

handle_img_tag('http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6077/6068956241_df9569141e.jpg', false)


(10 replies, posted in Free Online Pho.to services)


".str_replace(array('[', '\"'), array('[', '"'), 'ivanoz')." ".$lang_common['wrote'].":

"I don't want my albums to be public. I just wanna share with my family and friends. Any help will be appreciated.

Now it's possible to share private pictures with handle_url_tag('http://share.pho.to') service (you can easily set access level and each photo has an unique URL, not visible on your page).

But we are planning to make private web albums as well. Thank you for care.