(12 replies, posted in Photo! 3D Album & Screensaver)


".str_replace(array('[', '\"'), array('[', '"'), 'monkeyts')." ".$lang_common['wrote'].":

"Hi. I would like to have a IDE for design my out template for Photo 3d Album. Pls tell my the way or buy your tool to do it

thank and best regards.

You can create a 3D model of a gallery in one of popular 3D editors like Maya, 3D Max or else. The model must satisfy the templates specification that I can send you by e-mail. Please, write your address or drop a letter with request at pr [at] vicman.net


".str_replace(array('[', '\"'), array('[', '"'), 'jerryliang')." ".$lang_common['wrote'].":

"yeah,very interesting and funny

Thank you Jerry!

May be you want to submit us the photo for new template?


".str_replace(array('[', '\"'), array('[', '"'), 'lll')." ".$lang_common['wrote'].":

"How can I delete the photo I put on your site,but I didn´t share it,I know that I can only see it..but I still
whant to delete it....HOW??:)

Yes, this is one way to delete these photos from the panel - deleting Pho.to cookies in the Preferences of your browser.


".str_replace(array('[', '\"'), array('[', '"'), 'Ree')." ".$lang_common['wrote'].":

"How can I take the photo out of your sight and un-share my photo.
You do not have a delete photo button and you do not have a un-share button.

Thank You

Hi Ree!

Are you talking about your photos in the panel? Or aboutthe photos on the right side of the page?

The photos on the top of the page are your local photos, nobody else see them. The photos on the right are shared only with your permission (whan you're clicking "Share it" button).


(8 replies, posted in Photo! Editor)


".str_replace(array('[', '\"'), array('[', '"'), 'gayan')." ".$lang_common['wrote'].":

"Hi. Thank you for the opportunity to change our photos with this programe.I liked it a lot.
I just want to know how can I delete the photos, which I uploaded or made, but don't want them, and don't want them to be visable to everybody. I would appericiet the help. thank you.

Hi Gayan!

Thank you for appreciation!!

Yes, you  can delete the photos and separate images from Pho.to web site (read the topic - handle_url_tag('http://pho.to/forum/viewtopic.php?id=249)'). Soon we plan to make private albums and photos as well.


(15 replies, posted in Photo! Editor)


".str_replace(array('[', '\"'), array('[', '"'), 'photograpghyfiend')." ".$lang_common['wrote'].":


".str_replace(array('[', '\"'), array('[', '"'), 'Pho.to_admin')." ".$lang_common['wrote'].":

"Dear users!

VCW VicMan's Photo Editor(http://www.vicman.net/vcwphoto/index.htm) is our rather old but effective photo editing software. It can be a real free alternative to Adobe Photoshop thanks to its power and functionality.

But now we don't support this software and advice you to check out our new free product - Photo! Editor (handle_url_tag('http://pho.to/editor/download.php')). It differs from old editor: Photo! Editor more user-friendly interface, it has Vista support and additional tools like make-up tools.

If you want to enhance your photos with minimum effort then Photo! Editor is the best choise.
Fix red eye, crop, denoise, enhance color and much more.... With Photo! Editor everything you may need for image editing is right there at your fingertips!

the 1x1 bug has happened with all my saved work and i was enlarging. that's the newest version, so how do i fix this now? I love the tools and effects, but what good is it if it saves it 1x1?? please create a patch, or let me know where one is  available! thank you!

Sorry, but we have not the patch for this bug and would not fix it soon.


".str_replace(array('[', '\"'), array('[', '"'), 'Me')." ".$lang_common['wrote'].":


".str_replace(array('[', '\"'), array('[', '"'), 'Pho.to_admin')." ".$lang_common['wrote'].":

"The tutorial is coming soon smile

Hi Admin,

Could you please tell me how to delete my shared photo.

Me, you can not delete photos from the panel on the right (shared photos, show to others phots), because you have clicked it knowing that you will show them to other people. Just don't share them if you won't. Anyway, these photos will completely disappear from the site approximately in a week.

As for deleting photos or albums from your account read this topic - handle_url_tag('http://pho.to/forum/viewtopic.php?id=249')


(17 replies, posted in Share your digital world!)


".str_replace(array('[', '\"'), array('[', '"'), 'davidgurley')." ".$lang_common['wrote'].":

"i want to know how to watermark my images to guard agianst theft and credited to another artist

Now you can watermark your images with Text and Watermark tools in our Online Photo! Editor. Just follow the link handle_url_tag('http://editor.pho.to')
and press the buttons shown on the picture below. To watermark your picture with a transparent image, you need to input the link on .png image in the net. You can share such image with the help of our sree hosting - handle_url_tag('http://share.pho.to')

handle_img_tag('http://natali.pho.to/images/w2fl9ql/image.jpg', false)


".str_replace(array('[', '\"'), array('[', '"'), 'Lucy')." ".$lang_common['wrote'].":

I'm new to Pho.to - what a brilliant application. Thanks. just wanted to check - please forgive my ignorance and stupidity but I've got a google site is the process exactly the same as posting to a social site?
Thanks for the help

It's ok Lucy!

Yes, the process is right the same - just copy an embed code and paste in as HTML code on the page of your web site.

And much thanks for appreciation smile

Here I will tell you how you can upload created web photo album on your own web site. For performing these action you need to know how to create new folder(directory) on your site and how to upload files in the specified folder.

Ok, let's start. You have created your excellent album with the help of handle_url_tag('http://pho.to/webalbum/download.php', 'Photo Web Album'). Now you are ready to upload it to your web site.

1) Save the created web album on your computer (click "Publish" button and choose the "Export to folder" item).

2) Now in the saved folder you have a set of files, as index.htm, photo_n.htm, and others as well as folders: assets, images, styles, etc.

3) Upload all files and folders on your site, saving the hierarchy.

4) Everything is ready and if you make all steps correctly you'll see your album on your web site in the specified directory. (for example http://mysite/my_web_album/ or http://mysite/my_web_album/index.htm)


".str_replace(array('[', '\"'), array('[', '"'), 'palan')." ".$lang_common['wrote'].":

"How to dowenloed

palan, the download link is handle_url_tag('http://pho.to/album3d/download.php'). Click the blue "Download" button on this page.


(25 replies, posted in Photo! 3D Album & Screensaver)


".str_replace(array('[', '\"'), array('[', '"'), 'BlueStar91')." ".$lang_common['wrote'].":


I have the same problem as MK. Pho.to_admin, please help us with this problem. sad

Blue Star!

Below is the method of downloading templates directly from Pho.to:

1) Choose the template you want to download from handle_url_tag('http://pho.to/album3d/galleries3d.php') page, for example Camp template - handle_url_tag('http://pho.to/galleries/p3da/camp')

2) Add to the template's URL the "TEMPLATE_NAME.zip" and change the "galleries" word with "templates" word, so for the Camp you'll have handle_url_tag('http://pho.to/templates/p3da/camp/camp.zip') path.

3) Download the archive with template.

4) Put the unzipped folder with template into
Windows XP: C:\Documents and Settings\YOUR_ACCOUNT\Application Data\Photo! 3D Album\DesignTemplates folder
Windows 7: C:\Users\USER_ACCOUNT\AppData\Roaming\Photo! 3D Album\DesignTemplates folder.
Check if inside your unziped folder there are files, not the 1  folder "Camp".


".str_replace(array('[', '\"'), array('[', '"'), 'rahim')." ".$lang_common['wrote'].":


".str_replace(array('[', '\"'), array('[', '"'), 'ALEX')." ".$lang_common['wrote'].":


Rahim, what software are you talking about?


".str_replace(array('[', '\"'), array('[', '"'), 'andyjac')." ".$lang_common['wrote'].":

How do you delete photos i have uploaded to work on

You can delete your albums and photos reading this topic: handle_url_tag('http://pho.to/forum/viewtopic.php?pid=450#p450')


".str_replace(array('[', '\"'), array('[', '"'), 'clif1982')." ".$lang_common['wrote'].":

"please ignore the original letter. I decided since I did have the other 3d screensavers, that I should go ahead and reinstall. It worked perfectly (though i've never figured out how to get music in the screensavers(.      thank you all very much again.  and sorry if you wasted your time reading the other one.            clif

Clif, to add music to the screensaver you need to make a right-click on a Photo! 3D Screensaver icon, then choose "Configure" in a context menu and then in an opened winwod go to the Sound tab.

Then click on a button for adding mp3 file like it is shown on a picture:

handle_img_tag('http://natali.pho.to/images/tuti37i/image.jpg', false)


(6 replies, posted in Photo! Web Album)


".str_replace(array('[', '\"'), array('[', '"'), 'davidgurley')." ".$lang_common['wrote'].":

"want o know an easy way to watermart my photos to prevent theft by other artist

Hello, now you can watermrk your photos with our free Online Photo! Editor - handle_url_tag('http://editor.pho.to') wink
the "Add a watermark" tool at the bottom of the tools panel

handle_img_tag('http://natali.pho.to/images/yjqwqad/image.jpg', false)


(6 replies, posted in Photo! Web Album)


".str_replace(array('[', '\"'), array('[', '"'), 'Jim')." ".$lang_common['wrote'].":

"Ok I have started to play around. When I put my new folder back into the C:\Documents and Settings\Client\Application Data\Photo! Web Album\DesignTemplates folder the new template doesnt appear when I open the program (according to docs it supposed to... Any pointers as to why it doesnt appear with the other templates ????
Thanx again for ya advice (and patience)...

Jim, it's a small but valuable detail:

You need to change a template's name in C:\Documents and Settings\Client\Application Data\Photo! Web Album\DesignTemplates\YOUR_NEW_TEMPLATE\template.xml file.

To make it take your new template's forlder, find in it "template.xml" file and open it for example with WordPad or Notepad.
Then find the line "<NAME>....</NAME>" and set an unique name for your new template between the tags.

Don't forget to save the file. Then launch Photo! Web Album and you'll see your new template in a templates' panel smile


".str_replace(array('[', '\"'), array('[', '"'), '2009-06-20 09:35:53')." ".$lang_common['wrote'].":

".err.!it always says.
"face is not found."and i cant use the tools un under makeup photo,

mikee0930, it means you need to load the photo en face ad in better resolution.

And what tools under makeup photo you can't use?


(6 replies, posted in Photo! Web Album)


".str_replace(array('[', '\"'), array('[', '"'), 'Jim')." ".$lang_common['wrote'].":

"Can I load and index from a created gallery into dreamweaver and just change the background from black to anything else (I know the answer is no, well it didnt work 4 me)...


We don't know if you can work with Photo! Web Album templates in Dreamwever, cause it supports only standard apps.

But if you read the Web Album templats specification, you could change the background of existing template.

For example, for "Cats" template the background image is in the folder C:\Documents and Settings\YOUR_ACCOUNT\Application Data\Photo! Web Album\DesignTemplates\Cats\images - file "bg.gif"

In other templates situation is the same.

Many users ask us, how they can delete shared albums. It is very simple in fact.

1. Sign in into your Pho.to account

2. Go in "My Albums" tab (you are there by defaut).

3. Click the cross in upper right corner of selected album. Wait while the page is refreshing!

handle_img_tag('http://natali.pho.to/images/lk7awuv/image.jpg', false)

Perform the same actions to delete your images:

handle_img_tag('http://natali.pho.to/images/7h9zjad/image.jpg', false)

1. Sign in into your Pho.to account

2. Go in "My Images" tab (second tab in your account).

3. Click the cross in upper right corner of selected image. Wait while the page is refreshing!


".str_replace(array('[', '\"'), array('[', '"'), 'EllieRM')." ".$lang_common['wrote'].":


".str_replace(array('[', '\"'), array('[', '"'), 'Pho.to_admin')." ".$lang_common['wrote'].":

"Report here your problems connected with Funny Photo! service.

Re: Photos cannot get small enough to totally fit into "glossy Magazine"

We will be glad to fix the bugs and make the service even more convenient!

I received a reply which wasn't helpful enough.  It told me to try  cropping/not cropping the photo using the square above the working area.  Of course I tried both of those options as well as reducing the entire photo to a very tiny size (21 KB) nothing worked.   The top of the head (hair) and neck are cut off.   I was told to send you the  images for you to do it and tell me how, but I don't know how  to get them to you.  Actually, I can no longer even find the location where I first read your reply to me.

EllieRM, just send your photo to customercare@vicman.net.


(6 replies, posted in Photo! Web Album)


".str_replace(array('[', '\"'), array('[', '"'), 'Jim')." ".$lang_common['wrote'].":

"Hi great software. Was wondering is it possible to change just the background of a template/album. I have found a temple that is perfect for what I would like but it has a plain black background and I wouls like to add a faded background image, is this possible ???
thx in advance for any help/advice...

Regards...   Jim...

Hello Jim!

Please, read here how you can create your own template or change existing: handle_url_tag('http://pho.to/webalbum/template-guide.php')


".str_replace(array('[', '\"'), array('[', '"'), 'spraycanart')." ".$lang_common['wrote'].":

"Hi All at Pho.to,
I would like to first thank you for your great program. I find it easy to use and set up. Is there a way I can up load the 3D album to my web site or to Myspace or Utube. Again thank you for your Program. Best Regards Barry Hocking.


Hi spraycanart!

Thank you for appreciation!

You can upload your 3D album and host it on your website. For this purpose, please, make the next actions:
1.    Press button “Publish” on the application toolbar at the top of the window.
2.    Choose option “Export to folder ”
3.    After it choose export path by clicking the button “Browse” or type the path manually

So your album will be saved in a chosen folder and you could upload these files to your own web page.

Publishing to MySpace:
impossible, only as a link to your album on Pho.to or on your website, because Myspace doesn't accept <object> HTML tag.

Publishing to Utube:
First you need to convert the album to video file with any screen capturing software and then you are free to publish album to Youtube.

Publishing to anywhere else as HTML code:
You can make it with the help of Photo! Presentation Widget (handle_url_tag('http://pho.to/widget3d')).
You need to create an online album, then save it to your Pho.to account to host it forever and then in album options take an embed code or post to one of social networks available from the panel. See the image below.

handle_img_tag('http://natali.pho.to/images/ehva8j3/image.jpg', false)

User 'EllieRM' has reported the following message:

"I am trying to put a face and neck shot in "glossy magazine", but no matter how small I reduce it (down to 21.8kb) the hair and neck are cut off.  The sample of Brittany Spears is the way I want it to look.  Her entire head and chest are visible and so is a little of the background space around her."

Our answer:

The reason is that currently our methods are fully automatic, so we can't provide precise crop for all face types. For your photo the possible reason is checked option "Face auto crop".  Uncheck it how is shown on the picture and create your funny photo:

handle_img_tag('http://natali.pho.to/images/1u4zihs/image.jpg', false)

If you still have problems with your photo, you can edit it (crop, for example) in handle_url_tag('http://editor.pho.to')

Also, give please your photo at customercare [at] vicman.net so we could check it and may be we could improve our algorithms.


".str_replace(array('[', '\"'), array('[', '"'), 'ferity')." ".$lang_common['wrote'].":

"handle_url_tag('http://exfile.ru/47274', '??????? 1.bmp ? exfile.ru')


Excuse me, it is impossible to insert the reference to a photo..

Ferity, it seems like your Flash Player is blocked. Please, reinstall the last version from here - handle_url_tag('http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/?promoid=BUIGP')

And unblock player in your browser. In Mozilla Firefox it is in Settings->Applications menu tab.