".str_replace(array('[', '\"'), array('[', '"'), 'spraycanart')." ".$lang_common['wrote'].":"Hi All at Pho.to,
I would like to first thank you for your great program. I find it easy to use and set up. Is there a way I can up load the 3D album to my web site or to Myspace or Utube. Again thank you for your Program. Best Regards Barry Hocking.
Hi spraycanart!
Thank you for appreciation!
You can upload your 3D album and host it on your website. For this purpose, please, make the next actions:
1. Press button “Publish” on the application toolbar at the top of the window.
2. Choose option “Export to folder ”
3. After it choose export path by clicking the button “Browse” or type the path manually
So your album will be saved in a chosen folder and you could upload these files to your own web page.
Publishing to MySpace:
impossible, only as a link to your album on Pho.to or on your website, because Myspace doesn't accept <object> HTML tag.
Publishing to Utube:
First you need to convert the album to video file with any screen capturing software and then you are free to publish album to Youtube.
Publishing to anywhere else as HTML code:
You can make it with the help of Photo! Presentation Widget (handle_url_tag('http://pho.to/widget3d')).
You need to create an online album, then save it to your Pho.to account to host it forever and then in album options take an embed code or post to one of social networks available from the panel. See the image below.
handle_img_tag('http://natali.pho.to/images/ehva8j3/image.jpg', false)