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Topic review (newest first)


This is great. Thank you very much for posting.


This was interesting. You seem very knowledgeable in your field.

handle_url_tag('', 'name meanings')


Very well said nice article ......................:)


I recently purchased a new nikon digital camera and I get no noize at all.
I guess the newer cameras have solved this problem.
Paul Burkhardt


I also face on digital noise, it is very important to remove digital noise from a photo to make it elegance. thanks to the Pho.to_admin for mentioning tips about Remove digital noise. I think it's a step forward in photo editing and the after pic looks really good after removing the noise.


"Wooden Greenhouse" I'm totally agree with of you that any kind of unexpected noise in digital photo will be looking like smudge. So it's a great concern at that time.

So as soon as possible should be fixed this problem and remove digital noise.



Any photographs taken in loud noise is surely seen in the photo. So using such tool will surely make the photographs crystal clear. Photoshop also can be used.


Thanks.Why am I using exclamation marks everywhere!I stumbled onto your blog and read a few
post.I will be coming back to


For night shots always use tripod and long exposures, also 100 ISO. I think great tool to clean up digital noise.


Fantastic post.   big_smile

The Denoise tool in Online Photo is really helpful. It can remove different types of noise from my photos.

Thanks a lot for sharing with us. It’s really amazing.  big_smile


Oh, so that's one software I can use when editing pics. I have a lot of pictures from our family and friends' outings, and they seem to have that noise. It's nice of you to post this software's information. Keep it up!  smile



".str_replace(array('[', '\"'), array('[', '"'), 'Gibbs')." ".$lang_common['wrote'].":

"Wow, that actually makes a pretty big difference. My old camera used to get noise if the lighting was not the best, but it does not seem to happen too much on my new one. I think because it is  a much better camera.

I have the tiniest camera in world produced by SONY. The problem is that the pictures come out too bad in dark lightning. I tried to fix them using Photoshop but it's very hard.


jasonbill, you can use it for .jpeg format (just uploading image from disk), but not for .psd format.
But for using in Adobe Photoshop you can first save the .psd image in .png or .jpeg format and them denoise it with our tool.


Nice post on....
effect of Noise in digital photos really looks like flecks of random color in an area of an image

really its amazing creativity...


Cool trick man. I used the trick for my handle_url_tag('', 'Starcraft strategy') website. I first fixed the digital noise of one of my photos I took at the release of the Wings of Liberty party. Then I removed the grainy picture that happened at night. The common problem with night time shots is that it is so blurry and the lighting is no good. I took a picture of the Terrans. It looks good. I'll post here in a second.

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