(1 replies, posted in Free Online Pho.to services)

Dear Sirs,
First of all I would like to thank you for the opprtunity you are giving to the people using your Website To share picturs  and it's for free, of course you are obliging people to follow the rules.
I would like to pay your attention that one of your users is abusing the rules, he is making abvertising to others people girls who don't know in order to To defame them , and which is not good for your image and reputation.
I am one of many people who are victim of this , and i would like you to prompt with an immediate action to stop a such actions.
The Link is :  ( handle_url_tag('http://my.pho.to/bnitat_fanny_k7/s1/albums/bnitat_fanny_khemisset/') )
I hope you will take my demand in a serious way.
and Im so sorry for this i didn't Know which place i should write my topic
Thanks & Regards;