
We have a Photo! Editor software which can help you to align your photo very fast (though it's not an automatic tool). You should only point out a straighten line, which will become a new "horizon" for the picture.

This software is free, download link is handle_url_tag('http://pho.to/editor/download.php') (please read the System requirements carefully)

BTW, we have a new template for all Kristen Stewart fans! smile Find it by the link: handle_url_tag('http://funny.pho.to/kristen_stewart/')

handle_img_tag('http://ope-api.pho.to/pics/kristen_stewart.jpg', false, 'Kristen Steward collage photo frame http://funny.pho.to/kristen_stewart/')


(1 replies, posted in Photo! 3D Album & Screensaver)

Sorry, the Photo! 3D Album project is frozen now and we are not going to release new templates in the nearest future. Please go at handle_url_tag('http://funny.pho.to') service to create funny pics, holiday e-cards and beautifully framed photos.

Hi boon!

Sorry, you can not make the mouth smile without any changes to the eyes, but we'll think about performing such functionality. smile

Good news!
We have increased result resolution to 1200-1500 pixels for the longest side. Just check the "remove pho.to watermark" on a result page. Than save result to disc.

See help screenshot below:

handle_img_tag('http://ope-api.pho.to/pics/watermark_removal.png', false)

Dear VesperSun!

Unfortunately we have not the option for manual tool use and can't restrict certain areas from the face from correction. But we'll think of how we can perform it!

Hello Sandra!

Your photos are save here, we never give them to third party services.

In case you share photos via any of handle_url_tag('http://pho.to') services, you got a share link. The only people who would see your photo by the link are those whom you sent this link.

When sharing images via handle_url_tag('http://tweet.pho.to') service you photo would be shared to only those locations that you have chosen of your own free will.


(1 replies, posted in Free Online Pho.to services)

Sorry, our Funny.pho.to service reduces image resolution, that's why you got such warning.
But we have already increased result resolution to 1200-1500 pixels for the longest side. Just check the "remove pho.to watermark" on a result page. Than save result to disc.

See help screenshot below:

handle_img_tag('http://ope-api.pho.to/pics/watermark_removal.png', false)


(3 replies, posted in Free Online Pho.to services)

Hi Kitten!

You can convert your photo into airbrush style photo with this photo template - handle_url_tag('http://funny.pho.to/street_graffiti').

So the example, it looks great:
handle_img_tag('http://ope-api.pho.to/pics/graffiti.jpg', false)

As for tools to make you thinner or fatter we have a handle_url_tag('http://cartoon.pho.to') service, that makes wonderful face morphing effects, try it out!

handle_img_tag('http://pho.to/media/images/soft/press-cartoonizer-morph.jpg', false)

Maria, this happens because this program is rather old and is not fully compatible with new operational systems like  Windows 7.


(6 replies, posted in Photo! Editor)

Hi James!
The license for Photo! Editor software is free, download it now following the handle_url_tag('http://pho.to/editor/download.php') link


(3 replies, posted in Photo! Editor)

Yes, you are right. Thing of such kind can be performed in Photoshop, but licensed Adobe Photoshop costs a lot of money and it takes much more time to learn this program than learning how Funny.Pho.to service works. smile

ridha1212, this program is rather old and we don't support it any more. Please use it as is.


(3 replies, posted in Photo! Editor)

Thank you ) We are glad to hear it) smile
Try also our handle_url_tag('http://cartoon.pho.to') service to make pretty cartoonized caricatures. It's worth seeing!
handle_img_tag('http://my.pho.to/goodphotos/s1/images/p4kyb5v/image.jpg', false) handle_img_tag('http://my.pho.to/goodphotos/s1/images/hkpbbcu/image.jpg', false) handle_img_tag('http://my.pho.to/goodphotos/s1/images/itxeifh/image.jpg', false)


(17 replies, posted in Share your digital world!)

Dear Jastina13! Here handle_url_tag('http://pho.to/forum/viewtopic.php?pid=221#p221') you will find the description on how to add a picture in the post. Please read carefully and you'll do it! smile


(12 replies, posted in Pho.to site discussion)

elusive22, thanks for appreciation! smile


(12 replies, posted in Pho.to site discussion)

Hi joeydeleon!
We are already making such kind of source on blogspot. We'll publish the link on the first article here too )


".str_replace(array('[', '\"'), array('[', '"'), 't.training001')." ".$lang_common['wrote'].":

"Nice tutorial! I have applied the process and able to do it. Having with nice mood after successful implementation.  smile

Dear t.training001!

We are so happy to be of assistance to you!


Please tell us from which URL you copy an embed code for an image and where are you trying to post this code?


".str_replace(array('[', '\"'), array('[', '"'), 'arieyana')." ".$lang_common['wrote'].":

"hello !


Hello arieyana!

Please try to install the latest version of Adobe Flash Player from here - handle_url_tag('http://get.adobe.com/ru/flashplayer/')
If it doesn't help, tell what browser are you using and are you able to upload photos from disk to other Pho.to service, for example at handle_url_tag('http://editor.pho.to').


".str_replace(array('[', '\"'), array('[', '"'), 'bandbaja')." ".$lang_common['wrote'].":

"didnt register at the time of uploading and now i am unable to delete the pic from this site. any solution? mad

Hello Bandbaja!

Now we have added the feature of photo deletion at share.pho.to, but as you can notice the service is now called handle_url_tag('http://twit.pho.to').


(8 replies, posted in General forum)


".str_replace(array('[', '\"'), array('[', '"'), 'Hermann12')." ".$lang_common['wrote'].":

"I am new too smile Great forum!
I am a hobby - photographer ...

Welcome Hermann12! Nice to see you here! Tell something about you, your hobbies for example.
Play with us here - handle_url_tag('http://pho.to/forum/viewtopic.php?id=165')  smile


(12 replies, posted in Pho.to site discussion)


".str_replace(array('[', '\"'), array('[', '"'), 'Hermann12')." ".$lang_common['wrote'].":

"I also like this site. I just joined it.
I am a hobby photographer & I like to discuss with others about this topic.

Hi Hermann12!

Welcome to our discussion!  smile  Can you please tell what you like at Pho.to most of all and tell what the site lacks?


".str_replace(array('[', '\"'), array('[', '"'), 'bravo009')." ".$lang_common['wrote'].":

"I'm also trying to make funny templates but needed to know the best way to do this. Could I expect any help from you?

Bravo009, just send us a photo with your copyright and give a description of the template. Use this page to upload your photo - handle_url_tag('http://funny.pho.to/upload-template.php')


(1 replies, posted in Photo! Web Album)

As I can see you have one album at handle_url_tag('http://queenmagenta.pho.to')/