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Topic review (newest first)


sorry, please write us one more message at pr [dog]

we will soon write a new API documentation and put it at website. It's a tool for web developers for adopting editing tools into apps and websites.


pho to API..? please get more information about this..:|


I have sent emails to the above as you suggest, I have sent emails to you and just about evry email listed on your site and have never gotten a reply. I would like to get an api key to use on our site, I hope you or someone will reply this time...


Dear Admin,

I am interested in using your API and getting a paid license key. In The previous post to this Kokadwar ( my engineer ) sent you an inquiry regarding the API. Please let me know how we can proceed forward.

Thank you,



Hello mkokadwar!

So sorry for the late reply. Please write us at komarova (dog) and we'll give you the updated information about API. The API can't be used offline, it's an online web API.



I am developing a site for my client who is interested in using your paid service.

My query is how to get the free as well as paid (per processing) key?

Is there a way by which I can bulk/ batch process the images?

Any sample files would be great.

Also, I heard about the SDK that can be ported on my client's hosting server and use the API offline (without needing to contact server). But I could not able to find that SDK. There is a link to the in the forum but its broken now. Could you please explain me this offline process and any charges involved?

Thank you

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