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Dear user! Please send us the link for deletion at


I have opposite question. I uploaded some photos to and accidentially deleted them from the computer. Now, after 30 days, the photos got deleted also from page. Is there any way to get them back from your page?


Dear admin
I uploaded an image on handle_url_tag('') without registration
But I want to delete the picture now, cause I send the link to the wrong person on the whatsapp application!!
I read that it will get deleted after 12 hours from the time I uploaded it
It take now more than 48 and it still didn't got deleted sad
Please let me know if there is anything I can do to delete it


Dear Sam,
As for photo deletion, please send the link to



can you please help me with deleting a picture that was shared online by mistake



Dear Kazuya!
The images you upload at the handle_url_tag('') website are automatically deleted in 12 hours. Moreover, nobody can see them if they are not on your computer and your browser, so the risks are minimal. Also you can send a picture link to the technical support and it would be deleted -


Dear admin
I uploaded an image on handle_url_tag('') without registration
But I want to delete the picture now, cause I send the link to the wrong person on the whatsapp application!!

I read that it will get deleted after 12 hours from the time I uploaded it
It take now more than 48 and it still didn't got deleted sad

Please let me know if there is anything I can do to delete it


Dear Cupidess!
The images you upload at the handle_url_tag('') website are automatically deleted in 12 hours. Moreover, nobody can see them if they are not on your computer and your browser, so the risks are minimal. smile


I have uploaded images (with web-link) before I sign up with this site. After I signed up, I am unable to search where can I remove the link or delete my images...



I am having the same problem where I can't delete images. I have uploaded images (with web-link) before I sign up with this site. After I signed up, I am unable to search where can I remove the link or delete my images.

FYI, my album is empty by default.

Please kindly advice on how to remove/delete images from your site.


Oh, but it would be better if it were a link... Easier to fiind...



".str_replace(array('[', '\"'), array('[', '"'), 'bandbaja')." ".$lang_common['wrote'].":

"didnt register at the time of uploading and now i am unable to delete the pic from this site. any solution? mad

Hello Bandbaja!

Now we have added the feature of photo deletion at, but as you can notice the service is now called handle_url_tag('').


didnt register at the time of uploading and now i am unable to delete the pic from this site. any solution? mad

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