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Topic review (newest first)


How can I create a Funny Photo


Good news!
We have increased result resolution to 1200-1500 pixels for the longest side. Just check the "remove watermark" on a result page. Than save result to disc.

See help screenshot below:

handle_img_tag('', false)



".str_replace(array('[', '\"'), array('[', '"'), 'JinxyTog')." ".$lang_common['wrote'].":

"This is a pain.  Is there a way that funny photo templates can be a higher resolution?

Hi JinxyTog!

We are already working in the direction of enlarging output images size. Thank you for your feedback and for care!


This is a pain.  Is there a way that funny photo templates can be a higher resolution?


Hello Klad!

The resulting sizes of funny photo images depend on the template's size. Curently it is limited to about 800 pixels. So, placing photos into templates decreases their size.


I use my own images (3840x2880) to create a Funny Photo. When I download the result the file size is reduced. When I want to use this image for printing my photo album I get a warning that the resolution is too low.
How can I create a Funny Photo and still remain my original file size ?
Thank you,

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