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Topic review (newest first)


Yes, this is useful because customizing makes it a bit more interesting.
I like that there are such an option!
handle_url_tag('') Team!



".str_replace(array('[', '\"'), array('[', '"'), 'kos1')." ".$lang_common['wrote'].":

"Can you burn a 3d album to a disc that will then play on a dvd player??? If so, how? Il burn using Nero but the album may have to be encoded to a different file format as the .exe file surely wont work on a dvd player???:)


Unfortunately, Photo! 3D Album can't record video, but this task is perfectly solving by Camtasia Studio software


Can you burn a 3d album to a disc that will then play on a dvd player??? If so, how? Il burn using Nero but the album may have to be encoded to a different file format as the .exe file surely wont work on a dvd player???:)



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