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Topic review (newest first)


Dear jonnyirish!
Your photos are save here, we never give them to third party services.
In case you share photos via any of handle_url_tag('') services, you got a share link. The only people who would see your photo by the link are those whom you sent this link.
When sharing images via handle_url_tag('') service you photo would be shared to only those locations that you have chosen of your own free will.

We give our online services for free, but we sell mobile apps. We also have earnings from showing the ads. So there is no 'catch', it's a win-win situation )


Hi Phot.to_Admin... I LOVE this software. However, it is so good that I cannot understand why it is free. What is the 'catch'? Can everybody see the photos that I have submitted to (for example) ? and the photos that I put into the 3D art gallery?

Thank you in advance.
(It's just that usually if something seems too good to be true, it's usually not real!)


Hello Sandra!

Your photos are save here, we never give them to third party services.

In case you share photos via any of handle_url_tag('') services, you got a share link. The only people who would see your photo by the link are those whom you sent this link.

When sharing images via handle_url_tag('') service you photo would be shared to only those locations that you have chosen of your own free will.


I was wondering how secure our photos are on here... why is this all free? Is there any protection against photo theft?

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