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Topic review (newest first)


Spiritwolf, that's a great idea, thank you so much!


You could make a morphing age regression app that lets you take two adults and virtually create an image of what their baby may look like, the way Luxand Babymaker does.  So far, it has no competition at all yet, I've never seen anything else like it.

It could use a good competitor, one which offers more variation since Luxand's app only has a very limited range of racial characteristics available in their app, the majority of races, Native American, Middle Eastern, Chinese, Indonesian, etc not included.


Hi medicmag!

I have not a baby yet, but I think I wouldn't be so categoric and wouls allow to use flash when photographing my children.


I don't use flash when taking photos. I'm not sure is this a good idea. It hurts my eye when other took my photos with flash on.  So I guess it hurts too for baby and children but they just don't know how to voice out.

I always request flash off when anyone want to take my baby and children photo.  On SLR camera, I adjust the ISO speed to get brighter picture.

I'm not sure am I the only one doing this, anyone sharing the same thought or what you guys and gals think?  :cool: Community » Bright ideas » Taking baby photo » Post new reply

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