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Hello everybody! I'm new here as well.. Hope to be friends with you all.. See you around! -Lynne smile


I just registered as a member of this forum. My first post here. Looking forward to participate discussions.


What's up everyone, I'm new to the forum and just wanted to say hey. Hopefully I posted this in the right section!


I am Haris ,New to this forum. I am 24 ,Male . Welcome to all .I think forum is a place to share our problems with each other and find thier best solution.SO keep doing posts and solve ours problems. Have a nice day....


I'm new here too. I'm a keen amateur photographer and am enjoying looking through this website and forums. I design and make my own handle_url_tag('', 'golden jewellery') and like to take close-up shots of it and then try to sell it online.


Hi! Am new here as well. My ma bought me an SLR so I thought it be good to interact with people who know how to operate one. See yah around!


Hi! I'm new here.  My ma bought me an SLR so I thought it would be good if I interact with people who know how to operate one.  See yah around!


Hello everyone! my name is roni and i m also new here well thanks for welcome Kamrien ..... cool


Hello, I am new too, I like this forum! I think I will make lot of friends here smile


I was reading this forum for a while but only now I decided to register on it. So hope to find some new, interesting people to share some knowledge about different interesting places.
Have fun and yeah - hi!  smile


[quote = Nanoulina ] Bonjour à tous !

Je viens de m'enregistrer à l' instant inscription commune, un acceptee Été MAIS Quand J'Ai voulu cliquer sur le privilège de l' adresse mail Pour me connecter , le message de l'ONU me disait mon mon nom au Québec OU MOT DE PASSE etait invalide ! Que faire DANS CE CAS ?
Quelqu'un at- il rencontre le same souci sieurs couleurs de sa première connexion ? Merci de me Répondre redingote et me dire Que faire verser dysfonctionnement CE Pallier .
] Bisous - Nanoulina . [/ quote


Also a newbie...
Enjoy the stay  smile


A warm welcome from here. Enjoy being immersed with the community. God bless.


I am also new here. Hello to all smile



".str_replace(array('[', '\"'), array('[', '"'), 'eva')." ".$lang_common['wrote'].":

"I am new here,too:D

Well theres a lot of information to digest and it's getting late here in have fun smile Community » General forum » I am new here.. » Post new reply

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