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Topic review (newest first)


Thanks You For Your Great Program.
I Just Checked  My Album

Why Don't Know "Lord Error" Instead Of My Photos
Could You Please Tell Me What's Wrong?


Actually after I posted this, I just made new albums in categories and
linked to the homepage, it worked great cuzz the title of my albums
are there instead of the same title. Also I was able to have the
different themes for each album.

What would be great and I would pay for this is a photo album like
yours only in a php script where people can upload to their host
and have a admin where you can build a photo gallery and update
it when ever you want. Right now when I update a album I have
to upload the whole album again to my host. Anyways I just love
photo web album. smile



".str_replace(array('[', '\"'), array('[', '"'), 'lmf33')." ".$lang_common['wrote'].":

"Some new features on Photo Web Album like
being able to have different themes on the
sub albums instead of just one theme for
the whole album.


Thank you for your suggestion! Will put it in our wish list ))


Some new features on Photo Web Album like
being able to have different themes on the
sub albums instead of just one theme for
the whole album.


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