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Topic review (newest first)


Hello ecoop!

Thank you very much for appreciation and a feedback!

Please check your gellery now, seems it's working well now.

Please write the address of a webpage on your site with the album.



Is this being dealt with?

I'm experiencing the same problem. I made a 2D slideshow couple of months ago for my site using url's that point to my pictures. It was working fine, but the last couple of weeks  the download circle animation never completes and it just displays a grey background with a red cross. I even tried to create new one with the same picture urls to no avail. even just one picture wouldn't work anymore. Also tried different random picture urls from google, to see if the problem is on my end.

I don't think it's a problem on my picture's end because it used to work fine and the url's work fine when entered in internet explorer or firefox.

I hope this can be fixed soon, I really like this service, finally a site that understands the needs of web masters. I truly hope I don't have to give up on it.

FYI, my gallery is located at handle_url_tag('')/  My website is handle_url_tag('')/




".str_replace(array('[', '\"'), array('[', '"'), 'andystrohkirch')." ".$lang_common['wrote'].":


I created a photo slideshow (simple flash) with 15 photos. The slideshow works fine in the preview. I embedded it at a web page but now all one can see is the grey background and some controls. Neigher any information, nor the photos are displayed.

What did I do wrong?

Webpage: FFS, supports HTML and Flash Embed
Browser: Internet Explorer 8 with all updates

Many thanks for any help!

Hello Andy! Thank you very much for report. Can give the link at your Flash gallery at



I created a photo slideshow (simple flash) with 15 photos. The slideshow works fine in the preview. I embedded it at a web page but now all one can see is the grey background and some controls. Neigher any information, nor the photos are displayed.

What did I do wrong?

Webpage: FFS, supports HTML and Flash Embed
Browser: Internet Explorer 8 with all updates

Many thanks for any help!

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