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thx for the quick reply



".str_replace(array('[', '\"'), array('[', '"'), 'abalmelo')." ".$lang_common['wrote'].":

"Lets say I have an album with 10 submaps

After a certain period of time on my pc there are 5 submaps added

Do I have to make the album all over and upload the whole bunch or can I just upload only the new submaps and a piece of program code ... but for me the ??? is : which program code

You have to apload the album again. If you've saved previous Web Photo Album, it will be easier. You just need to open it and add submaps.


Lets say I have an album with 10 submaps

After a certain period of time on my pc there are 5 submaps added

Do I have to make the album all over and upload the whole bunch or can I just upload only the new submaps and a piece of program code ... but for me the ??? is : which program code

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