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es posibel cambiar el fondo desde dreamweaver abrir el CSS body y desde ahí se puede cambiar color e imagen de fondo que luego se repetira e todo e album



".str_replace(array('[', '\"'), array('[', '"'), 'Jim')." ".$lang_common['wrote'].":

"Ok I have started to play around. When I put my new folder back into the C:\Documents and Settings\Client\Application Data\Photo! Web Album\DesignTemplates folder the new template doesnt appear when I open the program (according to docs it supposed to... Any pointers as to why it doesnt appear with the other templates ????
Thanx again for ya advice (and patience)...

Jim, it's a small but valuable detail:

You need to change a template's name in C:\Documents and Settings\Client\Application Data\Photo! Web Album\DesignTemplates\YOUR_NEW_TEMPLATE\template.xml file.

To make it take your new template's forlder, find in it "template.xml" file and open it for example with WordPad or Notepad.
Then find the line "<NAME>....</NAME>" and set an unique name for your new template between the tags.

Don't forget to save the file. Then launch Photo! Web Album and you'll see your new template in a templates' panel smile


Ok I have started to play around. When I put my new folder back into the C:\Documents and Settings\Client\Application Data\Photo! Web Album\DesignTemplates folder the new template doesnt appear when I open the program (according to docs it supposed to... Any pointers as to why it doesnt appear with the other templates ????
Thanx again for ya advice (and patience)...



".str_replace(array('[', '\"'), array('[', '"'), 'Jim')." ".$lang_common['wrote'].":

"Can I load and index from a created gallery into dreamweaver and just change the background from black to anything else (I know the answer is no, well it didnt work 4 me)...


We don't know if you can work with Photo! Web Album templates in Dreamwever, cause it supports only standard apps.

But if you read the Web Album templats specification, you could change the background of existing template.

For example, for "Cats" template the background image is in the folder C:\Documents and Settings\YOUR_ACCOUNT\Application Data\Photo! Web Album\DesignTemplates\Cats\images - file "bg.gif"

In other templates situation is the same.


Ok I might be abit dumb with this stuff... but nowhere can I see where I can change a background the word is only mentioned once in the whole article/how to... OK so I will try another way of asking... Can I load and index from a created gallery into dreamweaver and just change the background from black to anything else (I know the answer is no, well it didnt work 4 me)... ?????????? Still lost and dumb as bats droppings... hahahaha...



".str_replace(array('[', '\"'), array('[', '"'), 'Jim')." ".$lang_common['wrote'].":

"Hi great software. Was wondering is it possible to change just the background of a template/album. I have found a temple that is perfect for what I would like but it has a plain black background and I wouls like to add a faded background image, is this possible ???
thx in advance for any help/advice...

Regards...   Jim...

Hello Jim!

Please, read here how you can create your own template or change existing: handle_url_tag('')


Hi great software. Was wondering is it possible to change just the background of a template/album. I have found a temple that is perfect for what I would like but it has a plain black background and I wouls like to add a faded background image, is this possible ???
thx in advance for any help/advice...

Regards...   Jim...

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