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".str_replace(array('[', '\"'), array('[', '"'), 'EllieRM')." ".$lang_common['wrote'].":

"I'm trying to put a photo (head and neck shot) into "Glossy Magazine" under the catagory "Funny Photo".  However, not matter how small I reduce it....even 2x1.3333 inches, which is 21.8 KB, the top of the head (all the hair) and the neck is cut off.  I checked the box above my finished photo which says "Auto crop face", but it doesn't let me include the full head and neck.  The sample of Brittany Spears' show her whole face and chest, and background space around her body.  I want mine that way, but can't figure out how to do it.  If I could get a response to my email or at least a notification that there is a response here, I would appreciate it.   Ellie

EllieRM, you need to cut photos with other proportion, now it's possible while uploading photos from hard drive to


I'm trying to put a photo (head and neck shot) into "Glossy Magazine" under the catagory "Funny Photo".  However, not matter how small I reduce it....even 2x1.3333 inches, which is 21.8 KB, the top of the head (all the hair) and the neck is cut off.  I checked the box above my finished photo which says "Auto crop face", but it doesn't let me include the full head and neck.  The sample of Brittany Spears' show her whole face and chest, and background space around her body.  I want mine that way, but can't figure out how to do it.  If I could get a response to my email or at least a notification that there is a response here, I would appreciate it.   Ellie

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