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Topic review (newest first)


Oh yes this is great! I'm going to try this also.:)


I like this post, enjoyed this one  regards  for posting .
Its  fantastic  as your other  blog posts : D,  thankyou  for posting .


Great guide.
It's my first time knowing your solution. I used to use PowerPoint to make photo album.

1. insert a photo per slide.
2. save the presentation.
3. convert ppt to swf.
4. embed the swf into my blog.

I use handle_url_tag('', 'PPT to SWF converter'). It solves the slide duration issue you mentioned. I mean you can adjust the duration time of every slide it appears.

Screen recording software might be another good solution. You record the whole process of playing presentation and save it as video, then post it on YouTube. That's easy.


i need slide show


How can the caption of the whole album be changed?
I can't find......


oh this also nice...
Can you still change the captions when you are making a presentation of your photos?
I'll try this flash slide show...this is sounds cool...


I think this flash slideshow widget is not good enough,i have never heard of this one,it is so limited in function.many people use the proshow gold,but what i like is  Wondershare Flash Gallery Factory
it has much more funtions that the Photo! Presentation Widget big_smile



".str_replace(array('[', '\"'), array('[', '"'), 'Patrice')." ".$lang_common['wrote'].":


Is it possible to add a caption for each photo uploaded when making this slideshow ?

Thanks a lot,

Hey Patrice!

Unfortunately, now it's possible to add caption only to the whole album.



Is it possible to add a caption for each photo uploaded when making this slideshow ?

Thanks a lot,


yes, you can change photo slide show speed if you use this handle_url_tag('', 'DVD slideshow software'). They call it Duration.



".str_replace(array('[', '\"'), array('[', '"'), 'smokeydog001')." ".$lang_common['wrote'].":

"Can the speed of the slideshow be changed?


Unfortunately, the speed can't be changed.


Can the speed of the slideshow be changed?


flsh slide show is really very popular,it's so cool


A Flash slideshow is a great way to showcase your photos - such albums are light weight and provide fast loading speed.

handle_url_tag('', 'Photo! Presentation Widget') service lets you create flash-based slideshows online, with a few mouse clicks. You can add photos either from your computer or from the internet via an URL. Then, you can share albums any way you like: save them on hosting, or get an embed code for easy posting on forums, blogs, etc.

Currently, the service can extract photos from Flickr™ photo service. In future, we plan to support other popular photo services.

Creating a flash slideshow with Photo! Presentation Widget is easy and fun:

Open handle_url_tag('', 'Photo! Presentation Widget') service. You will see the following:

                   handle_img_tag('', false)

First, in template selection window, choose Flash slideshow.

handle_img_tag('', false)

Then, there are three ways to add photos:

1) Upload photos from your computer with the 'Upload' button.

                  handle_img_tag('', false)


2) Select photos from Flickr™ by tags or username. Click 'Flickr' button to start.

handle_img_tag('', false)  handle_img_tag('', false)

Enter Flickr user name or a tag (or several tags), and the service will immediately find the photos you need.


3) Add photos by copy-pasting their URLs. To do so, click the URLs button.

                handle_img_tag('', false)

In the opened window, copy & paste an image URL (or a text containing image URLs) into the text box. Click the "Add" button and the service will automatically extract all pictures from the text and add them into your slideshow.

A tip for advanced users: You can also use a web page source code to add images from a webpage. To extract the source code, open a web page and use the browser menu or hot keys mentioned below:

[*]Firefox:  View->Page Source  or    Ctrl+U handle_img_tag('', false)[/*]
', '*')

[*]Internet Explorer 6, 7: View->Source handle_img_tag('', false) [/*]
', '*')

After you are finished with the photo selection, press the "Create widget" button to instantly view your flash photo slideshow. After an easy registration process you will be able to save it on hosting and get an embed code for easy posting on any web page.

For your convenience, we have implemented fast access to popular blogs and bookmarking services to publish your photo widgets there.

handle_url_tag('', 'handle_img_tag('', false)')

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