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A photo geek or just a photography beginner? Ask, discuss, explore!

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Topic review (newest first)


Hi hammer29!

Our handle_url_tag('') has changed, but became even better than earlier!
Yes, you can use at as a photo hosting service, you can use this service.

But if you are going to host large amounts of photos as a developer, you'd better look through other hosting providers.


Is this service free? or paid? I am really in need of a dedicated photo service.


Make your full size photo easily available to the rest of the world with handle_url_tag('', 'Share Photo!') service.

Upload a photo from your computer or specify an image URL and become able to share it anywhere: on a social network, blog or your web site through an embed code or its URL. Customize a shared photo easily by adding a description, adjusting its size and access level.

informaticapratica (Italian blog that write about Internet for everybody) has reviewed our service in this article -


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