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Topic review (newest first)


Hi guys interested in learning both the language.:):):)


I can help with Spanish.


I can help with French and Italian smile


Hi feroe!
Thank you for your help! We'll keep your suggestion in mind.  smile


I can help with French and German as well (I grew up in Berlin but then moved to the south of France) if it hasn't been done yet !


Hi all,

If needed I also can help with french language. For the moment I just start to use Photo! Editor.

Thank you for the product.

See you.




".str_replace(array('[', '\"'), array('[', '"'), 'youss7')." ".$lang_common['wrote'].":

I'm ready to help you for french translations! smile

ok, I've sent you an e-mail )


I'm ready to help you for french translations! smile



".str_replace(array('[', '\"'), array('[', '"'), 'Pho.to_admin')." ".$lang_common['wrote'].":

"Do you want us to translate only 3D widget page?
Can you help us with translation?

Well, I think why don't you make a mirror sites in different languages? The best thing is 3d widget, book and manuscript especially, but maybe other people like other products. smile  And, for example, there would be some buttons on the top of each page - English/French/German/Italian/...  Many sites do this.

What about help u with translation. I didn't think about it smile I just don't know how to do it. Do u need some file like a dictionary, where all words from 3D widget page are translaten ('select photo"- "auswählen foto", etc...)? Or maybe you've got a special software for site-translation, do u?



".str_replace(array('[', '\"'), array('[', '"'), 'James Bond')." ".$lang_common['wrote'].":

"I liked 3d widget and I wanted to share it my friend in Austria, but she doesn't speak English. sad
Do u plan to make an alternate 3d widget web-page on different languages, such as German or French or Italian?

Hello James!

Thank you for an idea.

Do you want us to tarnslate only 3D widget page?
Can you help us with translation?


I liked 3d widget and I wanted to share it my friend in Austria, but she doesn't speak English. sad
Do u plan to make an alternate 3d widget web-page on different languages, such as German or French or Italian?

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