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Topic review (newest first)


Have a lot of photos on your phone and want to have fun with them? Try handle_url_tag('', 'Photo Roulette Widget') - a fun little widget that presents you with a fancy photo montage with your photo almost each time you look on your phone or tablet screen!

This widget is very easy-to-use. Just choose a photo you want to have fun with (you can change the source photo any moment you want), and the app will present you with a fun photo collage, a beautiful photo effect, or a face montage each 10 minutes or so.

handle_img_tag('', false, 'Photo Roulette Widget for Android screenshots (source image selection, widget placed on the homme screen)')

Your photo can appear on the cover of a popular magazine or edited with a fancy effect. Widget can also turn your photo into an antique oil painting or a charcoal drawing, airbrush it on an exclusive car or make it admired by Angelina Jolie or Johnny Depp. You will never know what will happen to your photo next!

handle_img_tag('', false, 'Photo effects and filters from Photo Roulette Widget for Android')

There are several categories of effects to be applied to your photos: For men, For women, For kids, Horror. You can include all the categories, or leave out the ones you don't like. Results are stored into history list; you can specify how many recent pictures you want to be saved. You can slide the pictures from your history list and share any of them with your friends via e-mail or popular social networks (Facebook, Twitter, etc.). Can you imagine that all these features are available to you in this little widget for free?!

But if you don't like to wait 10 minutes to apply the next effect, get Photo Roulette Widget PRO and switch to a new effect every minute! This version is also ad and watermark free and contain even more cool effects in each category.

Photo Roulette is a game you can't lose. Just start using it and you will never want to quit!

Get the Photo Roulette Widget by:
[*]downloading it from  handle_url_tag('', 'Google Play')[/*]
[*]scanning the QR-code with your Android device:[/*]
', '*')

handle_img_tag('', false, 'Photo Roulette Widget for Android QR code')

We will inform you on all the news and updates of handle_url_tag('', 'Photo Roulette Widget') in this topic. You are welcome to comment here if you have any questions or ideas!

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