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A photo geek or just a photography beginner? Ask, discuss, explore!

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Topic review (newest first)


If you are a lucky owner of an Android device (a smartphone or a tablet computer) and like having fun with your photos, you should definitely give a try to handle_url_tag('', ' Lab') app. This app lets you apply cool effects to your pictures and create fun collages and photomontages. Lab offers more than 400 amazing effects and templates for your photos, and you can enjoy the app absolutely for free!

handle_img_tag('', false, ' Lab for Android promo image') Lab requires internet connection for uploading your photos to the server and getting result pictures from it. All the effects are available in 14 different categories to let you create cool photo mashups, collages, mosaics, beautifully framed photos, animations and lots of other fun and beautiful stuff!

Some effects use face detection technology to let you create amazing face montages or apply a frame to face area only.

After creating your photo effect, you can adjust picture size and add your own text caption to it. Results can be shared in a number of ways: you can save them to your phone, set as wallpaper or contact icon and send via e-mail. You can also share a link to resulting image in any way you like: by SMS, ICQ or Skype or publish it on Facebook or Twitter to surprise your friends!

handle_img_tag('', false, '"Old letters" photo frame') Lab app is powered by a popular fun effects generator service at handle_url_tag('', '') site - handle_url_tag('', '').
See a handle_url_tag('', 'demo video') on Lab functionality and possibilities and have fun with your photos!

Get the Lab app by:
[*]downloading it from handle_url_tag('', 'Google Play');[/*]
[*]scanning the QR-code with your Android device:[/*]
', '*')

handle_img_tag('', false, 'QR code of Lab on Google Play')

It's worth mentioning that we maintain a fruitful dialog with our dedicated users, so if you didn't find a particular photo effect in the library, contact the team and you might very well see it in the next update. We're looking forward to hearing from you!

Currently installed 11 official extensions. Copyright © 2003–2009 PunBB.

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