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Topic review (newest first)


Love taking photos with iPhone? Make your photo taking experience a lot more fun with handle_url_tag('', 'FunCam')!

This app lets you create fun photo montages directly when taking photos with your iPhone.

How does it work? You choose an effect/montage, aim the camera at a friend (or yourself), center their face inside the montage and take the photo. Voila - a fun photomontage is ready! Just imagine your friend's photo frozen in ice, or placed on a dollar bill, or on a wanted dead or alive poster smile

handle_img_tag('', false, '"Frozen in ice" photo frame')

After you're done, share the fun by posting the photo montage on Twitter or Facebook or get the link to send it to anybody you want. Your friends will love it!

So, are you ready to spice up your iPhone pictures with something new and have some good laughs with your friends? Go ahead with handle_url_tag('', 'FunCam')!

Key features:
[*]Ability to create fun photo montages in real time[/*]
[*]Enjoyable interface[/*]
[*]Front-facing camera support[/*]
[*]A variety of fun templates and scenes[/*]
[*]Easy sharing[/*]
[*]Compatible with iPhone and iPad[/*]
', '*')

handle_img_tag('', false, 'FunCam promo picture')

If you want to be among the first people to find out about the updates of handle_url_tag('', 'FunCam'), remember that we will post all the news in this topic. Feel free to post here if you have any questions or comments.

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