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Topic review (newest first)


Looking for yet another way to please the one you love - on Valentine's day and every other day of the year? Consider the handle_url_tag('', 'LoveCam') app.

     handle_img_tag('', false, 'LoveCam promo image')

This app lets you create valentines, beautifully framed pictures and romantic photo montages directly when taking photos with your iPhone. Just choose a frame or a montage, aim the camera at your loved one, center their face inside the montage and take the photo. A few simple steps, and a romantic photo effect is ready! Alternatively, you can choose an existing photo from your iPhone photo albums to put it into a frame or a montage.

     handle_img_tag('', false, 'Numerous photo frames in LoveCam')

Want to make your girlfriend's photo even more fascinating? Put her face inside a burning heart, surround her with roses, or let her fly in the sky with Cupids! There are many romantic scenes you can play with. Don’t have a girlfriend or a boyfriend? Take a photo of your pet, spice it up with a cute frame and share it on Facebook or Twitter to show how much you love him/her. Or take a photo of a couple of your friends (who are in love with each other) and send them a greeting card or just show how great they look together.

Sharing resulting images is really easy. Post your photo montages on Twitter or Facebook or get the link to send them to anybody you want.

Key features:
[*]Ability to create photo montages in real time[/*]
[*]A decent choice of love-themed frames, effects and scenes[/*]
[*]Enjoyable interface[/*]
[*]Front-facing camera support[/*]
[*]Easy sharing[/*]
[*]Compatible with iPhone and iPad[/*]
', '*')
We will post furher news about handle_url_tag('', 'LoveCam') in this topic. Don't hesitate to write here, too! We appreciate all the feedback we get.

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