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".str_replace(array('[', '\"'), array('[', '"'), 'bazer49')." ".$lang_common['wrote'].":

"great idea for video

But heres one suggestion that might be easier.

Can we have a system of breakouts--ie click on image --it opens out on seperate page with lots of info. eg artist name, bio,description of image etc

Yes, we will make the similar functionality at our flash photo albums in handle_url_tag('') service


great idea for video

But heres one suggestion that might be easier.

Can we have a system of breakouts--ie click on image --it opens out on seperate page with lots of info. eg artist name, bio,description of image etc



".str_replace(array('[', '\"'), array('[', '"'), 'Kristoforus')." ".$lang_common['wrote'].":

"Would you please improve this great software so can hold the video file, docs file with indexing.

It would become a 3D e-filing system which I never found. Imagine, how great software when I can walkthough a virtual room to find a doc file or video on each category on the wall. I also can search and see on the map where the doc/file is filed.


Thank you, this is really great idea, and we will regard it closely, but it looks hard to implement ex facte.


Would you please improve this great software so can hold the video file, docs file with indexing.

It would become a 3D e-filing system which I never found. Imagine, how great software when I can walkthough a virtual room to find a doc file or video on each category on the wall. I also can search and see on the map where the doc/file is filed.




".str_replace(array('[', '\"'), array('[', '"'), 'finnpeter')." ".$lang_common['wrote'].":

"How about some music one can add in MP3 format to a Gallery to go with the pics!
Cheers, Peter

Hi Peter!

We have this idea in our plans )


How about some music one can add in MP3 format to a Gallery to go with the pics!
Cheers, Peter


Make it interactive! A community! People walking around inside the virtual space of an exibition meeting each other! Like Google lively! Maybe this is too much of a task for a one man band like you are, but yet...


I've got a Bright idea! cool

U see, when I upload 1 photo in PHOTO! 3D WIDGET to view in Space Station, I can't see them. I found only 1 frame with the photo. I want MANY frames, as when I upload many photos!

I know, u can do it, because when I use Magazine there are MANY photos on pages of a magazine! wink 
4example, my album here: handle_url_tag('')

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